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November 07, 2018
Pavillion Water Experts Fault Leaky Gas Wells, Unlined PitsAt a Wyoming public forum, PSE Senior Research Scientist Dominic DiGiulio spoke about his research on ground and water contamination in Pavillion, Wyoming. The nonprofit news site Wyofile published a detailed article covering the issue and the event's proceedings.
September 12, 2018
Big Oil's Black Mark On California's Climate RecordAlmost everything in Orcutt, California, feels like a testament to its origins as a 20th century oil boomtown—not least its name. William Warren Orcutt, a pioneer of petroleum geology and the man who helped Union Oil strike it big in the Golden State, founded the town in 1904.
Pacific Standard
February 26, 2018
Pipelines collide with emissions goalGov. Andrew Cuomo can aim for his aggressive goals to reduce climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions in the state, or he can see a network of proposed new natural gas pipelines built. But he likely cannot do both.
Albany Times Union
August 24, 2017
That's A Lot Of People!An estimated 17.6 million people live within a mile of an active oil or gas well, according to a peer-reviewed study published Wednesday in Environmental Health Perspectives.
Politico Morning Energy
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Energy costs are a persistent burden for low-income communities. Recent research from @PhySciEng @IEERArjun on behalf of @COEnergyOffice offers a suite of strategies to align affordability, equity, #publichealth, and #climate goals.…

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