December 20, 2017
Category: News

Top 5 Healthy-Energy Tips: 2017

#1 MEET THE HEAT Meet heat pumps, the up-and-coming source for conditioning indoor air. As the grid rapidly moves to an energy mix that includes more renewables and less fossil fuel, electricity-powered heat pumps – which provide both heating and cooling with one unit – will be part of the clean-energy wave of the future.

#2 TRAVEL CLEAN, SHOP LOCAL In 2015, climate-warming
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from California’s electricity generation hit an all-time low, but GHG emissions from the transportation sector, including moving both people and goods, were higher than in any recent year. That makes transportation the next big target for decreasing GHG emissions.

#3 WHAT’S IN THAT STUFF? Oil and gas companies can keep the ingredients in their chemical blends as “trade secrets,” making it difficult for medical professionals, air- and water-monitoring organizations, and public-interest researchers like PSE to assess exposure risks. Chemical disclosure laws are public health issue – it’s as simple as that.

#4 CLEAN ENERGY STARTS AT HOME Those old appliances you may keep around for convenience are the worst energy hogs. As we recommend in a recent report, a clean-energy pathway ends with a conversion to alternative energy but starts with individual efficiencies like updating appliances and installing “smart” features such as lights sensors.

#5 THAT’S A LOT OF PEOPLE An estimated 17.6 million Americans live within one mile of an active oil or gas well, putting them at higher risk for numerous health issues associated with proximity to these operations. The PSE study was the first peer-reviewed nationwide measurement of the number of people living close to actively producing wells

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