The petrochemicals industry processes crude oil and natural gas to make chemicals that are used to manufacture commercial products, including plastics, fertilizers, digital devices, medical equipment, and tires. In the United States, petrochemical facilities are primarily concentrated within the Gulf Coast region (Louisiana and Texas) and the Ohio River Valley region (Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia).
Our analysis includes a review of publicly-available emissions data from the 774 existing petrochemical facilities and the 116 proposed projects within the Gulf Coast and Ohio River Valley. We then characterized the climate, air quality, equity, and health implications of these facilities. Findings were published in an interactive data tool and technical report.
Explore the Data
Explore the implications of individual petrochemical facilities located within the Ohio River Valley and Gulf Coast. The data tool includes facility-specific greenhouse gas, criteria air pollutant, and hazardous air pollutant emissions; PM2.5-attributable premature deaths, and information on populations living near both proposed and existing facilities throughout both regions.