Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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Quantifying Market and Non-market Benefits and Costs of Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States: A Summary of the Literature
John Loomis and Michelle Haefele, August 2017
Re-appraisal of the Bakken Shale play: Accounting for historic and future oil prices and applying fiscal rates of North Dakota, Montana and Saskatchewan
Weijermars et al., June 2017
Evaluating the risk premium in the U.S.A. natural gas market: evidence from low-price regime
Aiube et al., February 2017
Effects of the structural change on transaction costs between North America natural gas spot markets
Kannika Duangnate and James W. Mjelde, February 2017
The social–economic impact of shale gas extraction: a global perspective
Adrian Paylor, February 2017
Employment impacts of upstream oil and gas investment in the United States
Agerton et al., February 2017
Eagle Ford Shale play economics: U.S. versus Mexico
Weijermars et al., February 2017
Performance of a cap and trade system for managing environmental impacts of shale gas surface infrastructure
Austin W. Milt and Paul R. Armsworth, January 2017
I can hear my neighbors’ fracking: The effect of natural gas production on housing values in Tarrant County, TX
Andrew T. Balthrop and Zackary Hawley, January 2017
Unconventional energy sources: Safety impacts, opportunities, and economic challenges
Demirbas et al., September 2024
Ownership and Spatial Distribution of Eagle Ford Mineral Wealth in Live Oak County, Texas
Murphy et al., September 2024
Social sustainability assessment of shale gas in the UK
Cooper et al., September 2024
The Local Employment Impacts of Fracking: A National Study
Peter Maniloff and Ralph Mastromonaco, September 2024
“We Can’t Be Dependent on Anybody”: The rhetoric of “Energy Independence” and the legitimation of fracking in Pennsylvania
Carlo E. Sica and Matthew Huber, September 2024
A review of biophysical and socio-economic effects of unconventional oil and gas extraction – Implications for South Africa
Esterhuyse et al., December 2016
Assessment of oil and gas industry economic and fiscal impacts in colorado
Brian Lewandowski and Richard Wobbekind, December 2016
The role of transnational companies in oil imports in the United States: Reviewing after the fracking boom
Mercedes de Luis López, December 2016
Shale Gas Royalties in New Brunswick: An Evaluation
Hill et al., December 2016
How did the US economy react to shale gas production revolution? An advanced time series approach
Bilgili et al., December 2016
Labor market impacts of U.S. Tight oil development: The case of the Bakken
Dragan Miljkovic and David Ripplinger, November 2016
Capturing rents from natural resource abundance: Private royalties from U.S. onshore oil & gas production
Brown et al., November 2016
The cost of unconventional gas extraction: A hedonic analysis
Delgado et al., November 2016
Economic benefits, external costs and the regulation of unconventional gas in the United States
Ian Cronshaw and R. Quentin Grafton, November 2016
Economic-development stakeholder perspectives on boomtown dynamics in the Eagle Ford Shale, Texas
Murphy et al., October 2016
Economics of modern energy boomtowns: Do oil and gas shocks differ from shocks in the rest of the economy?
Alexandra Tsvetkova and Mark D. Partridge, September 2016
The impact of the North American shale gas revolution on regional natural gas markets: Evidence from the regime-switching model
Geng et al., September 2016
Labor market dynamics and the unconventional natural gas boom: Evidence from the Marcellus region
Timothy M. Komarek, August 2016
Shale Gas: A Review of the Economic, Environmental, and Social Sustainability
Cooper et al., July 2016
Are we fracked? The impact of falling gas prices and the implications for coal-to-gas switching and carbon emissions
Knittel et al., June 2016
Broadening Benefits from Natural Resource Extraction: Housing Values and Taxation of Natural Gas Wells as Property
Weber et al., June 2016
A web-based multicriteria evaluation of spatial trade-offs between environmental and economic implications from hydraulic fracturing in a shale gas region in Ohio
Liu et al., June 2016
Economic Impacts of Increased U.S. Exports of Natural Gas: An Energy System Perspective
Kemal Sarıca and Wallace E. Tyner, May 2016
Fracturing and foreclosure: A study of shale gas development and foreclosure levels in Pennsylvania
Albert J. Sumell, May 2016
Valuation of expectations: A hedonic study of shale gas development and New York’s moratorium
Boslett et al., May 2016
Unconventional Gas and Oil Development in the United States: Economic Experience and Policy Issues
Kelsey et al., April 2016
Economic impact analysis of natural gas development and the policy implications
Silva et al., January 2016
The trade of energy commodities between the European Union and the United States – crude oil and natural gas
Olkuski et al., September 2024
The regional economic impact of oil and gas extraction in Texas
Jim Lee, December 2015
Shale Gas Boom Affecting the Relationship Between LPG and Oil Prices
Oglend et al., October 2015
Economic appraisal of shale gas resources, an example from the Horn River shale gas play, Canada
Chen et al., September 2015
Resident vs. Nonresident Employment Associated with Marcellus Shale Development
Wrenn et al., August 2015
Shale Gas Supply Chain Design and Operations toward Better Economic and Life Cycle Environmental Performance: MINLP Model and Global Optimization Algorithm
Jiyao Gao and Fengqi You, July 2015
Factors influencing shale gas production forecasting: Empirical studies of Barnett, Fayetteville, Haynesville, and Marcellus Shale plays
Ikonnikova et al., March 2015
The Housing Market Impacts of Shale Gas Development
Muehlenbachs et al., February 2015
Evaluation of socioeconomic impacts on and risks for shale gas exploration in China
Shiwei Yu, January 2015
A Literature Survey of the Fracking Economic and Environmental Implications in the United States
Mohammed S. Hashem M. Mehany and Angela Guggemos, September 2024
Shale gas: Analysis of its role in the global energy market
Mehmet Melikoglu, September 2014
US shale gas production outlook based on well roll-out rate scenarios
Ruud Weijermars, July 2014
Estimating the Consumptive Use Costs of Shale Natural Gas Extraction on Pennsylvania Roadways
Abramzon et al., February 2014
Income and Employment Effects of Shale Gas Extraction Windfalls: Evidence from the Marcellus Region
Paredes et al., September 2024

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