Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: July 26, 2024


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Maryland is not for Shale: Scientific and public anxieties of predicting health impacts of fracking
Thurka Sangaramoorthy, November 2018
A community-based evaluation of proximity to unconventional oil and gas wells, drinking water contaminants, and health symptoms in Ohio
Elliott et al., August 2018
Analysis of a gas explosion in Dimock PA (USA) during fracking operations in the Marcellus gas shale
Terry Engelder and John F. Zevenbergen, July 2018
Community-Based Health and Exposure Study around Urban Oil Developments in South Los Angeles
Shamasunder et al., January 2018
Psychosocial implications of unconventional natural gas development: Quality of life in Ohio's Guernsey and Noble Counties
Fisher et al., December 2017
Health Concerns of Northeastern Pennsylvania Residents Living in an Unconventional Oil and Gas Development County
Ruth McDermott-Levy and Victoria Garcia, April 2016
Popular Epidemiology and "Fracking": Citizens' Concerns Regarding the Economic, Environmental, Health and Social Impacts of Unconventional Natural Gas Drilling Operations
Powers et al., June 2015
Long-term impacts of unconventional drilling operations on human and animal health
Michelle Bamberger and Robert E. Oswald, March 2015
Reported health conditions in animals residing near natural gas wells in southwestern Pennsylvania
B. et al., March 2015
Traumatic Injuries Incidental to Hydraulic Well Fracturing: A Case Series
Williams et al., November 2014
Evaluation of Some Potential Chemical Exposure Risks During Flowback Operations in Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction: Preliminary Results
Esswein et al., October 2014
Unconventional natural gas development and public health: toward a community-informed research agenda
Korfmacher et al., September 2014
Environmental Health Research Recommendations from the Inter-Environmental Health Sciences Core Center Working Group on Unconventional Natural Gas Drilling Operations
Penning et al., July 2014
Field Survey of Health Perception and Complaints of Pennsylvania Residents in the Marcellus Shale Region
Saberi et al., June 2014
Proximity to Natural Gas Wells and Reported Health Status: Results of a Household Survey in Washington County, Pennsylvania
Rabinowitz et al., July 2024
Using ethnography to monitor the community health implications of onshore unconventional oil and gas developments: examples from Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale
Simona L. Perry, February 2013
Investigating links between shale gas development and health impacts through a community survey project in Pennsylvania
Steinzor et al., February 2013
Navigating medical issues in shale territory
Pouné Saberi, February 2013
Assessment and longitudinal analysis of health impacts and stressors perceived to result from unconventional shale gas development in the Marcellus Shale region
Ferrar et al., July 2024

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