Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: March 06, 2025


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A decision analysis framework for estimating the potential hazards for drinking water resources of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing fluids
Yost et al., September 2016
Adsorption of hydraulic fracturing fluid components 2-butoxyethanol and furfural onto granular activated carbon and shale rock
Manz et al., September 2016
Downhole Transformation of the Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Biocide Glutaraldehyde: Implications for Flowback and Produced Water Quality
Kahrilas et al., September 2016
Microbial metabolisms in a 2.5-km-deep ecosystem created by hydraulic fracturing in shales
Daly et al., September 2016
The treatment of phenolic contaminants from shale gas drilling wastewater: a comparison with UV-Fenton and modified UV-Fenton processes at neutral pH
Chen et al., September 2016
Release of selected chemical elements from shale drill cuttings to aqueous solutions of different pH
Piszcz-Karaś et al., September 2016
Adverse Reproductive and Developmental Health Outcomes Following Prenatal Exposure to a Hydraulic Fracturing Chemical Mixture in Female C57Bl/6 Mice
Kassotis et al., August 2016
Redox Conditions Alter Biodegradation Rates and Microbial Community Dynamics of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Organic Additives in Soil–Groundwater Microcosms
Mouser et al., August 2016
Recycling Fracturing Flowback Water for Use in Hydraulic Fracturing: Influence of Organic Matter on Stability of Carboxyl-Methyl-Cellulose-Based Fracturing Fluids
Esmaeilirad et al., August 2016
Characterization of solids in produced water from wells fractured with recycled and fresh water
Li et al., August 2016
Metatranscriptome analysis of active microbial communities in produced water samples from the Marcellus Shale
Vikram et al., July 2016
Numerical investigation of the influence of underground water injection on the groundwater system in a shale gas reservoir in southwestern China
Yin et al., July 2016
Metal Associations in Marcellus Shale and Fate of Synthetic Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids Reacted at High Pressure and Temperature
Tasker et al., July 2016
Indications of Transformation Products from Hydraulic Fracturing Additives in Shale-Gas Wastewater
Hoelzer et al., July 2016
Application of microfiltration for the treatment of Marcellus Shale flowback water: Influence of floc breakage on membrane fouling
Can He and Radisav D. Vidic, July 2016
Transport of hydraulic fracturing waste from Pennsylvania wells: A county-level analysis of road use and associated road repair costs
Lauren A. Patterson and Kelly O. Maloney, July 2016
Impact of Antiscalants on the Fate of Barite in the Unconventional Gas Wells
Can He and Radisav D. Vidic, July 2016
Multiobjective Optimization Model for Minimizing Cost and Environmental Impact in Shale Gas Water and Wastewater Management
Timothy V. Bartholomew and Meagan S. Mauter, July 2016
Endocrine disrupting activities of surface water associated with a West Virginia oil and gas industry wastewater disposal site
Kassotis et al., July 2016
Volatile and semi-volatile organic compound patterns in flowback waters from fracturing sites within the Marcellus Shale
Karl Oetjen and Lashun Thomas, June 2016
Metabolic Capability of a Predominant Halanaerobium sp. in Hydraulically Fractured Gas Wells and Its Implication in Pipeline Corrosion
Liang et al., June 2016
Cytotoxic actions of 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide, a biocide in hydraulic fracturing fluids, on rat thymocytes
Ishikawa et al., June 2016
Spills of Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals on Agricultural Topsoil: Biodegradation, Sorption, and Co-contaminant Interactions
McLaughlin et al., May 2016
Brine Spills Associated with Unconventional Oil Development in North Dakota
Lauer et al., May 2016
Low-energy hydraulic fracturing wastewater treatment via AC powered electrocoagulation with biochar
Lobo et al., May 2016
Estimating the Potential Toxicity of Chemicals Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing Operations Using Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Modeling
Yost et al., May 2016
Wastewater Disposal from Unconventional Oil and Gas Development Degrades Stream Quality at a West Virginia Injection Facility
Akob et al., May 2016
Evaluating Fracture-Fluid Flowback in Marcellus Using Data-Mining Technologies
Zhou et al., May 2016
Optimal reuse of flowback wastewater in hydraulic fracturing including seasonal and environmental constraints
Lira-Barragán et al., May 2016
Age Dating Oil and Gas Wastewater Spills Using Radium Isotopes and Their Decay Products in Impacted Soil and Sediment
Nancy Lauer and Avner Vengosh, May 2016
Fouling of microfiltration membranes by flowback and produced waters from the Marcellus shale gas play
Xiong et al., April 2016
Overview of Chronic Oral Toxicity Values for Chemicals Present in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids, Flowback and Produced Waters
Yost et al., April 2016
Partitioning of naturally-occurring radionuclides (NORM) in Marcellus Shale produced fluids influenced by chemical matrix
Nelson et al., April 2016
Element mobilization from Bakken shales as a function of water chemistry
Wang et al., April 2016
Volatile-organic molecular characterization of shale-oil produced water from the Permian Basin
Khan et al., April 2016
Rapid method for the determination of 226Ra in hydraulic fracturing wastewater samples
Maxwell et al., March 2016
Oil and Gas Production Wastewater: Soil Contamination and Pollution Prevention
John Pichtel, March 2016
Treatment of hydraulic fracturing wastewater by wet air oxidation
Wang et al., March 2016
Quantitative Survey and Structural Classification of Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals Reported in Unconventional Gas Production
Martin Elsner and Kathrin Hoelzer, February 2016
Probabilistic modeling of shale gas containment pits for environmental and safety management
Darnell et al., February 2016
Optimal Water Management under Uncertainty for Shale Gas Production
Lira-Barragán et al., February 2016
Reductive weathering of black shale and release of barium during hydraulic fracturing
Renock et al., February 2016
Wastewater Disposal Wells, Fracking, and Environmental Injustice in Southern Texas
Johnston et al., January 2016
The impact of commercially treated oil and gas produced water discharges on bromide concentrations and modeled brominated trihalomethane disinfection byproducts at two downstream municipal drinking water plants in the upper Allegheny River, Pennsylvania, USA
Landis et al., January 2016
A systematic evaluation of chemicals in hydraulic-fracturing fluids and wastewater for reproductive and developmental toxicity
Elliott et al., January 2016
Shale gas wastewater management under uncertainty
Zhang et al., January 2016
A review on risk assessment techniques for hydraulic fracturing water and produced water management implemented in onshore unconventional oil and gas production
Torres et al., January 2016
Scenario Analysis of the Impact on Drinking Water Intakes from Bromide in the Discharge of Treated Oil and Gas Wastewater
Weaver et al., January 2016
Hydraulic fracturing chemicals reporting: Analysis of available data and recommendations for policymakers
Katherine Konschnik and Archana Dayalu, January 2016
Potential impact of flowback water from hydraulic fracturing on agricultural soil quality: Metal/metalloid bioaccessibility, Microtox bioassay, and enzyme activities
Chen et al., March 2025

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