Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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Fracking equity: A spatial justice analysis prototype
Qingmin Meng, January 2018
Governing Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction: The Case of Pennsylvania
Brian Alexander Chalfant and Caitlin C. Corrigan, September 2024
The Effect of Firm Size on Fracking Safety
Jonathan Eyer, September 2024
Induced earthquakes and housing markets: Evidence from Oklahoma
Cheung et al., September 2024
Comparison of the Coal and Fracking Industries in Northern Appalachia
Austin Zwick, September 2024
Identifying the risks and opportunities of unconventional oil and gas extraction using the strategic environmental assessment
Surina Esterhuyse, September 2024
Dash for Gas: Climate Change, Hegemony and the Scalar Politics of Fracking in the UK
Kirk et al., September 2024
Barriers to sharing water quality data: experiences from the Shale Network
Brasier et al., December 2017
Natural resource ownership, financial gains, and governance: The case of unconventional gas development in the UK and the US
Max Harleman and Jeremy G. Weber, December 2017
Hydraulic Fracturing: A Review of Implications for Food Systems Planning
Pothukuchi et al., October 2017
Societal Implications of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development
Habib et al., October 2017
Environmental and Human Impacts of Unconventional Energy Development
Vengosh et al., September 2017
Sustainability lessons from shale development in the United States for Mexico and other emerging unconventional oil and gas developers
Castro-Alvarez et al., September 2017
A roadmap for lifecycle sustainability evaluation of shale gas fracking process
Israel Dunmade, September 2017
Spatiotemporal Industrial Activity Model for Estimating the Intensity of Oil and Gas Operations in Colorado
Allshouse et al., September 2017
Multi-hazard risk pathway scenarios associated with unconventional gas development: Identification and challenges for their assessment
Garcia-Aristizabal et al., September 2017
Information exchange under uncertainty: The case of unconventional gas development in the United Kingdom
Fischer et al., September 2017
Noise characterization of oil and gas operations
Radtke et al., August 2017
Toward Consistent Methodology to Quantify Populations in Proximity to Oil and Gas Development: A National Spatial Analysis and Review
Czolowski et al., August 2017
Western Newfoundland’s Anti-Fracking Campaign: Exploring the Rise of Unexpected Community Mobilization
Angela V. Carter and Leah M. Fusco, July 2017
Research status of shale gas: A review
Qiang Wang and Rongrong Li, July 2017
Emphasis Framing and the Role of Perceived Knowledge: A Survey Experiment
Justin B. Bullock and Arnold Vedlitz, July 2017
Shaping State Fracking Policies in the United States: An Analysis of Who, What, and How
Charles E. Davis, June 2017
Shale gas: a life-cycle perspective for UK production
Tagliaferri et al., June 2017
Sources and Framing of Fracking: A Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage in North Carolina, New York, and Pennsylvania
Kylah J. Hedding, May 2017
Environmental impacts of shale gas development in China: A hybrid life cycle analysis
Wang et al., May 2017
Extensive review of shale gas environmental impacts from scientific literature (2010–2015)
Costa et al., April 2017
Deliberating the perceived risks, benefits, and societal implications of shale gas and oil extraction by hydraulic fracturing in the US and UK
Thomas et al., April 2017
A pilot study to assess residential noise exposure near natural gas compressor stations
Boyle et al., April 2017
Can Fracking Be Environmentally Acceptable?
Meegoda et al., April 2017
The risks of hydraulic fracturing and the responsibilities of engineers
Kirkman et al., March 2017
An assessment of the footprint and carrying capacity of oil and gas well sites: The implications for limiting hydrocarbon reserves
Clancy et al., March 2017
Unconventional gas development in Vietnam: opportunities and challenges
Minh Thong Le, March 2017
Economic and Environmental Life Cycle Optimization of Noncooperative Supply Chains and Product Systems: Modeling Framework, Mixed-Integer Bilevel Fractional Programming Algorithm, and Shale Gas Application
Jiyao Gao and Fengqi You, February 2017
Hydraulic fracturing fluids and their environmental impact: then, today, and tomorrow
M. P. Kreipl and A. T. Kreipl, February 2017
Hydraulic fracturing as an interpretive policy problem: lessons on energy controversies in Europe and the U.S.A.
Jennifer Dodge and Tamara Metze, January 2017
Indicative energy technology assessment of UK shale gas extraction
Geoffrey P. Hammond and Áine O’Grady, January 2017
A state of fracking: Building Poland’s national innovation capacity for shale gas
Michael LaBelle, January 2017
Protecting the Sacred Water Bundle: Educating about Fracking at Turtle Mountain Community College
Stacie Blue, January 1970
US institutional pathways to clean coal and shale gas: lessons for China
Christian Downie and Peter Drahos, September 2024
Unconventional energy sources: Safety impacts, opportunities, and economic challenges
Demirbas et al., September 2024
Post-conventional energy futures: Rendering Europe's shale gas resources governable
Magdalena Kuchler, September 2024
Debating Unconventional Energy: Social, Political, and Economic Implications
Neville et al., September 2024
Hydraulic Fracking, Shale Energy Development, and Climate Inaction: A New Landscape of Risk in the Trump Era
Anthony E. Ladd and Richard York, September 2024
The regulation of risk: the case of fracking in the UK and the Netherlands
Alan Patterson and Craig McLean, September 2024
A road damage and life-cycle greenhouse gas comparison of trucking and pipeline water delivery systems for hydraulically fractured oil and gas field development in Colorado
Ray C. Duthu and Thomas H. Bradley, September 2024
Modeling and predicting natural gas fracking pad landscapes require a multidisciplinary approach: A commentary
William A. Heins and G. Mathias Kondolf, September 2024
‘Fracking’: Promoter and destroyer of ‘the good life’
Darrick Evensen and Rich Stedman, September 2024
Environmental health risk perception of hydraulic fracturing in the US
Olawoyin et al., December 2016
Integrated value of shale gas development: A comparative analysis in the United States and China
Yang et al., December 2016

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