Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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Potential water resource impacts of hydraulic fracturing from unconventional oil production in the Bakken shale
Shrestha et al., January 2017
Controls on Methane Occurrences in Shallow Aquifers Overlying the Haynesville Shale Gas Field, East Texas
Nicot et al., January 2017
Mechanisms leading to potential impacts of shale gas development on groundwater quality
René Lefebvre, January 2017
Effect of local loads on shale gas well integrity during hydraulic fracturing process
Liu et al., January 2017
Assessment of the physicochemical characteristics of surface waterbodies in a region earmarked for shale gas exploration (Eastern Cape Karoo, South Africa)
Mabidi et al., September 2024
Critical Review of Risks to Water Resources from Hydraulic Fracturing
Gill et al., September 2024
Strontium isotopes as a potential fingerprint of total dissolved solids associated with hydraulic-fracturing activities in the Barnett Shale, Texas
Richard B. Goldberg and Elizabeth M. Griffith, September 2024
A road damage and life-cycle greenhouse gas comparison of trucking and pipeline water delivery systems for hydraulically fractured oil and gas field development in Colorado
Ray C. Duthu and Thomas H. Bradley, September 2024
Corrigendum to “A reconnaissance analysis of groundwater quality in the Eagle Ford shale region reveals two distinct bromide/chloride populations” [Sci. Total Environ. 575 (2017) 672–680]
Hildenbrand et al., September 2024
Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on the Quality of Natural Waters
Cel et al., September 2024
Groundwater Baseline Water Quality in a Shale Gas Exploration Site and Fracturing Fluid - Shale Rock Interaction
Huang et al., September 2024
The Geochemistry of Naturally Occurring Methane and Saline Groundwater in an Area of Unconventional Shale Gas Development
Harkness et al., September 2024
Organic geochemistry and toxicology of a stream impacted by unconventional oil and gas wastewater disposal operations
Orem et al., September 2024
Do biofilm communities respond to the chemical signatures of fracking? A test involving streams in North-central Arkansas
Johnson et al., September 2024
Hydraulic Fracturing in the Upper Humboldt River Basin, Nevada, USA
Thomas et al., September 2024
Establishing the Baseline in Groundwater Chemistry in Connection with Shale-gas Exploration: Vale of Pickering, UK
Smedley et al., September 2024
Unconventional oil and gas spills: Materials, volumes, and risks to surface waters in four states of the U.S
Maloney et al., December 2016
Predicting Water Resource Impacts of Unconventional Gas Using Simple Analytical Equations
Cook et al., December 2016
How long do natural waters “remember” release incidents of Marcellus Shale waters: a first order approximation using reactive transport modeling
Zhang Cai and Li Li, December 2016
Searching for anomalous methane in shallow groundwater near shale gas wells
Li et al., December 2016
Understanding shallow and deep flow for assessing the risk of hydrocarbon development to groundwater quality
Raynauld et al., December 2016
Geochemical Characteristics of Shallow Groundwater in Jiaoshiba Shale Gas Production Area: Implications for Environmental Concerns
Li et al., November 2016
Secondary migration and leakage of methane from a major tight-gas system
James M. Wood and Hamed Sanei, November 2016
Association of groundwater constituents with topography and distance to unconventional gas wells in NE Pennsylvania
Yan et al., November 2016
Statistical analysis of compliance violations for natural gas wells in Pennsylvania
Abualfaraj et al., October 2016
Methane Sources and Migration Mechanisms in Shallow Groundwaters in Parker and Hood Counties, Texas – A Heavy Noble Gas Analysis
Wen et al., September 2016
Spatial Risk Analysis of Hydraulic Fracturing near Abandoned and Converted Oil and Gas Wells
Brownlow et al., September 2016
A reconnaissance analysis of groundwater quality in the Eagle Ford shale region reveals two distinct bromide/chloride populations
Hildenbrand et al., September 2016
Noble gas fractionation during subsurface gas migration
Sathaye et al., September 2016
Environmental Factors Associated With Natural Methane Occurrence in the Appalachian Basin
Molofsky et al., September 2016
Temporal variation in groundwater quality in the Permian Basin of Texas, a region of increasing unconventional oil and gas development
Hildenbrand et al., August 2016
Geochemical indicators of the origins and evolution of methane in groundwater: Gippsland Basin, Australia
Currell et al., August 2016
Measuring Concentrations of Dissolved Methane and Ethane and the 13C of Methane in Shale and Till
Hendry et al., August 2016
Chemical and isotope compositions of shallow groundwater in areas impacted by hydraulic fracturing and surface mining in the Central Appalachian Basin, Eastern United States
LeDoux et al., August 2016
Numerical investigation of the influence of underground water injection on the groundwater system in a shale gas reservoir in southwestern China
Yin et al., July 2016
Groundwater methane in relation to oil and gas development and shallow coal seams in the Denver-Julesburg Basin of Colorado
Sherwood et al., July 2016
High volume hydraulic fracturing operations: potential impacts on surface water and human health
Igor Mrdjen and Jiyoung Lee, July 2016
Hydraulic fracturing and the environment: risk assessment for groundwater contamination from well casing failure
Jabbari et al., June 2016
The concept of well integrity in gas production activities
Peter Reichetseder, June 2016
How can we be sure fracking will not pollute aquifers? Lessons from a major longwall coal mining analogue (Selby, Yorkshire, UK)
Paul L. Younger, June 2016
Wastewater Disposal from Unconventional Oil and Gas Development Degrades Stream Quality at a West Virginia Injection Facility
Akob et al., May 2016
Influence of Hydraulic Fracturing on Overlying Aquifers in the Presence of Leaky Abandoned Wells
Brownlow et al., May 2016
Deep groundwater circulation and associated methane leakage in the northern Canadian Rocky Mountains
Grasby et al., May 2016
Numerical modeling of fracking fluid migration through fault zones and fractures in the North German Basin
Pfunt et al., April 2016
Unconventional oil and gas extraction in South Africa: water linkages within the population–environment–development nexus and its policy implications
Esterhuyse et al., April 2016
Distribution and origin of dissolved methane, ethane and propane in shallow groundwater of Lower Saxony, Germany
Schloemer et al., April 2016
Impact to Underground Sources of Drinking Water and Domestic Wells from Production Well Stimulation and Completion Practices in the Pavillion, Wyoming, Field
Dominic C. DiGiulio and Robert B. Jackson, March 2016
Redox controls on methane formation, migration and fate in shallow aquifers
Humez et al., March 2016
The Upper Ordovician black shales of southern Quebec (Canada) and their significance for naturally occurring hydrocarbons in shallow groundwater
Lavoie et al., March 2016
Initial study of potential surface water quality impacts of horizontal drilling in the Marcellus shale
Hopkinson et al., March 2016

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