Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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Use keywords or categories (e.g., air quality, climate, health) to identify peer-reviewed studies and view study abstracts.

Community-based participatory research for low-cost air pollution monitoring in the wake of unconventional oil and gas development in the Ohio River Valley: Empowering impacted residents through community science
Raheja et al., May 2022
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air and tap water samples in residences of pregnant women living in an area of unconventional natural gas operations: Findings from the EXPERIVA study
Caron-Beaudoin et al., September 2021
Survey of Airborne Organic Compounds in Residential Communities Near a Natural Gas Compressor Station: Response to Community Concern
Martin et al., June 2021
Identifying and quantifying source contributions of air quality contaminants during unconventional shale gas extraction
Orak et al., March 2021
Health-based evaluation of ambient air measurements of PM 2.5 and volatile organic compounds near a Marcellus Shale unconventional natural gas well pad site and a school campus
Long et al., February 2021
Emissions of particulate matter due to Marcellus Shale gas development in Pennsylvania: Mapping the implications
Zoya Banan and Jeremy M. Gernand, January 2021
Seasonality and source apportionment of non-methane volatile organic compounds at Boulder Reservoir, Colorado, between 2017 and 2019
Pollack et al., September 2024
Evaluating oil and gas contributions to ambient nonmethane hydrocarbon mixing ratios and ozone-related metrics in the Colorado Front Range
Lyu et al., December 2020
Mobile Measurement System for the Rapid and Cost-Effective Surveillance of Methane and Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Oil and Gas Production Sites
Zhou et al., December 2020
Air pollution risk associated with unconventional shale gas development
Nur H. Orak and Natalie J. Pekney, November 2020
Unconventional oil and gas development and ambient particle radioactivity
Li et al., October 2020
Hazardous substances as the dominant non-methane volatile organic compounds with potential emissions from liquid storage tanks during well fracturing: A modeling approach
Huan Chen and Kimberly E. Carter, August 2020
Particulate Matter Emissions Associated with Marcellus Shale Drilling Waste Disposal and Transport
Mol et al., June 2020
Use of Tracer Elements for Estimating Community Exposure to Marcellus Shale Development Operations
Nye et al., January 1970
Flaring from Unconventional Oil and Gas Development and Birth Outcomes in the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas
et al., September 2024
Impact of natural gas production on nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide over Northeast British Columbia, Canada
Islam et al., December 2019
Modeling the impact of a potential shale gas industry in Germany and the United Kingdom on ozone with WRF-Chem
Weger et al., December 2019
Evaluating potential human health risks from modeled inhalation exposures to volatile organic compounds emitted from oil and gas operations
Holder et al., December 2019
Quantifying atmospheric reactive nitrogen concentrations, dry deposition, and isotope dynamics surrounding a Marcellus Shale well pad
Coughlin et al., December 2019
Cumulative environmental and employment impacts of the shale gas boom
Mayfield et al., November 2019
Off-site flux estimates of volatile organic compounds from oil and gas production facilities using fast-response instrumentation
Edie et al., November 2019
Impact of energy production in the Barnett Shale gas region on the measured ambient hydrocarbon concentrations in Denton, Texas
Guo Quan Lim and Kuruvilla John, November 2019
Effects of ‘pre-fracking’ operations on ambient air quality at a shale gas exploration site in rural North Yorkshire, England
Purvis et al., July 2019
Flaring in two Texas shale areas: Comparison of bottom-up with top-down volume estimates for 2012 to 2015
Katherine Ann Willyard and Gunnar W. Schade, July 2019
Community Noise and Air Pollution Exposure During the Development of a Multi-Well Oil and Gas Pad
Allshouse et al., May 2019
Emission scenarios of a potential shale gas industry in Germany and the United Kingdom
Cremonese et al., May 2019
Importance of Superemitter Natural Gas Well Pads in the Marcellus Shale
Caulton et al., May 2019
Characterizing flaring from unconventional oil and gas operations in south Texas using satellite observations
Franklin et al., January 2019
Air Emissions from Natural Gas Facilities in New York State
Pasquale N. Russo and David O. Carpenter, January 1970
Hazardous Air Pollutants Associated with Upstream Oil and Natural Gas Development: A Critical Synthesis of Current Peer-Reviewed Literature
Garcia-Gonzales et al., September 2024
Evaluation of gas well setback policy in the Marcellus Shale region of Pennsylvania in relation to emissions of fine particulate matter
Zoya Banan and Jeremy M. Gernand, September 2018
Exposures and Health Risks from Volatile Organic Compounds in Communities Located near Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Activities in Colorado (USA)
McMullin et al., July 2018
Potential impacts of emissions associated with unconventional hydrocarbon extraction on UK air quality and human health
Archibald et al., June 2018
Rethink potential risks of toxic emissions from natural gas and oil mining.
Q. Meng, January 1970
Source apportionment of non-methane hydrocarbons, NOx and H2S data from a central monitoring station in the Eagle Ford shale, Texas
Gunnar W. Schade and Geoffrey Roest, April 2018
Estimated Emissions from the Prime-Movers of Unconventional Natural Gas Well Development Using Recently Collected In-Use Data in the United States
Johnson et al., April 2018
Emissions of organic compounds from produced water ponds I: Characteristics and speciation
Lyman et al., April 2018
Formation of Particulate Matter from the Oxidation of Evaporated Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewater
Bean et al., March 2018
Measurement of diesel combustion-related air pollution downwind of an experimental unconventional natural gas operations site
Ezani et al., September 2024
A decade of changes in nitrogen oxides over regions of oil and natural gas activity in the United States
Majid et al., December 2017
Quantifying alkane emissions in the Eagle Ford Shale using boundary layer enhancement
Geoffrey Roest and Gunnar Schade, September 2017
Allocating Damage Compensation in a Federalist System: Lessons from Spatially Resolved Air Emissions in the Marcellus
A. Patrick Behrer and Meagan S Mauter, March 2017
The Influence of Marcellus Shale Extraction Emissions on Regionally Monitored Dry Reactive Nitrogen Deposition
Coughlin et al., February 2017
Analysis of local-scale background concentrations of methane and other gas-phase species in the Marcellus Shale
Goetz et al., February 2017
Quantitative Prediction of Radon Concentration at Wellhead in Shale Gas Development
Tian et al., February 2017
Impact of natural gas development in the Marcellus and Utica Shales on regional ozone and fine particulate matter levels
Roohani et al., January 2017
Does increased traffic flow around unconventional resource development activities represent the major respiratory hazard to neighboring communities?: knowns and unknowns
Michael A. McCawley, September 2024
Effect of Drilling for Shale Gas on the Quality of Atmospheric Air
Macuda et al., September 2024
Composition and sources of winter haze in the Bakken oil and gas extraction region
Evanoski-Cole et al., September 2024
Characterization of methane plumes downwind of natural gas compressor stations in Pennsylvania and New York
Jr et al., December 2016

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