Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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Use keywords or categories (e.g., air quality, climate, health) to identify peer-reviewed studies and view study abstracts.

Emissions Implications of Future Natural Gas Production and Use in the Rocky Mountain Region
McLeod et al., November 2014
Influence of oil and gas emissions on ambient atmospheric non-methane hydrocarbons in residential areas of Northeastern Colorado
Thompson et al., November 2014
Air concentrations of volatile compounds near oil and gas production: a community-based exploratory study
Macey et al., October 2014
Measurements of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) using PTR-MS: calibration, humidity dependence, inter-comparison and results from field studies in an oil and gas production region
Li et al., October 2014
High winter ozone pollution from carbonyl photolysis in an oil and gas basin
Edwards et al., October 2014
Air Impacts of Increased Natural Gas Acquisition, Processing, and Use: A Critical Review
Moore et al., August 2014
Strong wintertime ozone events in the Upper Green River basin, Wyoming
Rappenglück et al., May 2014
Volatile organic compound emissions from the oil and natural gas industry in the Uinta Basin, Utah: point sources compared to ambient air composition
Warneke et al., May 2014
Atmospheric Hydrocarbon Emissions and Concentrations in the Barnett Shale Natural Gas Production Region
Zavala-Araiza et al., May 2014
A new look at methane and non-methane hydrocarbon emissions from oil and natural gas operations in the Colorado Denver-Julesburg Basin
Pétron et al., May 2014
Air quality concerns of unconventional oil and natural gas production
Field et al., April 2014
Mobile measurement of methane and hydrogen sulfide at natural gas production site fence lines in the Texas Barnett Shale
Eapi et al., April 2014
Understanding exposure from natural gas drilling puts current air standards to the test
Brown et al., March 2014
Highly Elevated Atmospheric Levels of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Uintah Basin, Utah
Helmig et al., March 2014
Measurement of atmospheric pollutants associated with oil and natural gas exploration and production activity in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest
Pekney et al., March 2014
Anatomy of wintertime ozone associated with oil and natural gas extraction activity in Wyoming and Utah
Oltmans et al., March 2014
Atmospheric Emissions and Air Quality Impacts from Natural Gas Production and Use
David T Allen, February 2014
The Data Gap: Can a Lack of Monitors Obscure Loss of Clean Air Act Benefits in Fracking Areas?
Carlton et al., January 2014
Evaluation of impact of shale gas operations in the Barnett Shale region on volatile organic compounds in air and potential human health risks
Bunch et al., January 2014
Air pollutant emissions from the development, production, and processing of Marcellus Shale natural gas
Roy et al., January 2014
An Exploratory Study of Air Quality Near Natural Gas Operations
Colborn et al., January 2014
An exploratory study of air emissions associated with shale gas development and production in the Barnett Shale
Rich et al., September 2024
Volatile organic compound distributions during the NACHTT campaign at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory: Influence of urban and natural gas sources
Swarthout et al., September 2013
Regional air quality impacts of increased natural gas production and use in Texas
Pacsi et al., April 2013
Ozone photochemistry in an oil and natural gas extraction region during winter: simulations of a snow-free season in the Uintah Basin, Utah
Edwards et al., March 2013
Source Signature of Volatile Organic Compounds from Oil and Natural Gas Operations in Northeastern Colorado
Gilman et al., February 2013
Reply to comment on “Hydrocarbon emissions characterization in the Colorado Front Range—A pilot study” by Michael A. Levi
Pétron et al., January 2013
Comment on “Hydrocarbon emissions characterization in the Colorado Front Range: A pilot study” by Gabrielle Pétron et al.
Michael A. Levi, November 2012
On the Sources of Methane to the Los Angeles Atmosphere
Wennberg et al., September 2012
The potential near-source ozone impacts of upstream oil and gas industry emissions
Eduardo P Olaguer, August 2012
The Future of Fracking: New Rules Target Air Emissions for Cleaner Natural Gas Production
Bob Weinhold, July 2012
Human health risk assessment of air emissions from development of unconventional natural gas resources
McKenzie et al., May 2012
Hydrocarbon emissions characterization in the Colorado Front Range: A pilot study
Pétron et al., February 2012
Ozone Impacts of Natural Gas Development in the Haynesville Shale
Kemball-Cook et al., December 2010
Regional impacts of oil and gas development on ozone formation in the western United States
Rodriguez et al., September 2009
Rapid photochemical production of ozone at high concentrations in a rural site during winter
Schnell et al., January 2009

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