Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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Reflections on a boom: Perceptions of energy development impacts in the Bakken oil patch inform environmental science & policy priorities
McGranahan et al., December 2017
Psychosocial implications of unconventional natural gas development: Quality of life in Ohio's Guernsey and Noble Counties
Fisher et al., December 2017
Energy Boom and Gloom? Local Effects of Oil and Natural Gas Drilling on Subjective Well-Being
Karen Maguire and John V. Winters, December 2017
Quality of life and unconventional oil and gas development: Towards a comprehensive impact model for host communities
Adam Mayer, November 2017
Cultural theory of risk as a heuristic for understanding perceptions of oil and gas development in Eastern Montana, USA
McEvoy et al., October 2017
Societal Implications of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development
Habib et al., October 2017
Shipping Fracking Wastes on the Ohio River: A Case Study in Effective Public Advocacy and How Citizen Groups Can Do Even Better
Elizabeth Ann Glass Geltman, October 2017
Political identity and paradox in oil and gas policy: A study of regulatory exaggeration in Colorado, US
Adam Mayer, October 2017
The Civic Informatics of FracTracker Alliance: Working with Communities to Understand the Unconventional Oil and Gas Industry
Jalbert et al., September 2017
Understanding public perception of hydraulic fracturing: a case study in Spain
Costa et al., September 2017
Sustainability lessons from shale development in the United States for Mexico and other emerging unconventional oil and gas developers
Castro-Alvarez et al., September 2017
Fracking and public health: Evidence from gonorrhea incidence in the Marcellus Shale region
Tim Komarek and Attila Cseh, August 2017
Psychosocial Impact of Fracking: a Review of the Literature on the Mental Health Consequences of Hydraulic Fracturing
Hirsch et al., July 2017
“Fractivism” in the City: Assessing Defiance at the Neighborhood Level
Fisk et al., July 2017
Western Newfoundland’s Anti-Fracking Campaign: Exploring the Rise of Unexpected Community Mobilization
Angela V. Carter and Leah M. Fusco, July 2017
Perceived risks of produced water management and naturally occurring radioactive material content in North Dakota
Torres et al., July 2017
A drill by any other name: Social representations, framing, and legacies of natural resource extraction in the fracking industry
Bugden et al., July 2017
How do U.S. state residents form opinions about ‘fracking’ in social contexts? A multilevel analysis
Howell et al., July 2017
Concern and counter-concern: The challenge of fragmented fears for the reguation of hydraulic fracturing
John Pearson and Gary Lynch-Wood, July 2017
Citizen sensing, air pollution and fracking: From "caring about your air' to speculative practices of evidencing harm
Jennifer Gabrys, July 2017
Emphasis Framing and the Role of Perceived Knowledge: A Survey Experiment
Justin B. Bullock and Arnold Vedlitz, July 2017
Public parks usage near hydraulic fracturing operations
Kellison et al., June 2017
Costs, benefits, and the malleability of public support for “Fracking”
Christenson et al., June 2017
Sources and Framing of Fracking: A Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage in North Carolina, New York, and Pennsylvania
Kylah J. Hedding, May 2017
The North Dakota Man Camp Project: The Archaeology of Home in the Bakken Oil Fields
Caraher et al., April 2017
Deliberating the perceived risks, benefits, and societal implications of shale gas and oil extraction by hydraulic fracturing in the US and UK
Thomas et al., April 2017
Public perception: Distrust for fracking
Philip Macnaghten, April 2017
This land is your land, maybe: A historical institutionalist analysis for contextualizing split estate conflicts in U.S. unconventional oil and gas development
Stacia S. Ryder and Peter M. Hall, April 2017
Unpacking the intensity of policy conflict: a study of Colorado’s oil and gas subsystem
Tanya Heikkila and Christopher M. Weible, March 2017
Attitudes Toward “Fracking”: Perceived and Actual Geographic Proximity
Alcorn et al., March 2017
Does Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Extraction Affect How Much Youth in Rural Pennsylvania Like Their Community?
McLaughlin et al., March 2017
Exploring perceptions of fracking and environmental health in a 3-county population in South Texas
Whitworth et al., February 2017
Consultation is not consent: hydraulic fracturing and water governance on Indigenous lands in Canada
Moore et al., January 1970
Is shale development drilling holes in the human capital pipeline?
Rickman et al., February 2017
Does It Really Make a Fracking Difference? The Conditional Effects of Question Wording on Support for Hydraulic Fracturing
Kromer et al., January 2017
Resilient but not sustainable? Public perceptions of shale gas development via hydraulic fracturing
Evensen et al., January 2017
The Home Rule Advantage: Motives and Outcomes of Local Anti-fracking Mobilization
Amanda Buday, January 2017
Citizen Science and Democracy: Participatory Water Monitoring in the Marcellus Shale Fracking Boom
Abby Kinchy, January 2017
Response to ‘Word choice as political speech’: Hydraulic fracturing is a partisan issue
Jill E. Hopke and Molly Simis, January 2017
Social perception of unconventional gas extraction on the outskirts of a former coal-mining area in Northeast France
Gunzburger et al., January 2017
Accounting for heterogeneous private risks in the provision of collective goods: Controversial compulsory contracting institutions in horizontal hydrofracturing
Farrer et al., January 2017
Seeing futures now: Emergent US and UK views on shale development, climate change and energy systems
Partridge et al., January 2017
Fracking Women: A Feminist Critical Analysis of Hydraulic Fracturing in Pennsylvania
Kristen Abatsis McHenry, January 1970
Fracking in the German Press: Securing Energy Supply on the Eve of The 'Energiewende' - A Quantitative Framing-Based Analysis
Benjamin Bigl, September 2024
Framing fracking: scale-shifting and greenwashing risk in the oil and gas industry
Stephen J. Scanlan, September 2024
Free market ideology and deregulation in Colorado's oil fields: Evidence for triple movement activism?
Malin et al., September 2024
'If they only knew what I know': Attitude change from education about 'fracking'
Darrick Evensen, September 2024
Social sustainability assessment of shale gas in the UK
Cooper et al., September 2024
Variation in beliefs about ‘fracking’ between the UK and US
Evensen et al., September 2024
Fracking Lancashire: The planning process, social harm and collective trauma
Damien Short and Anna Szolucha, September 2024

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