Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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Divided Rights, Expanded Conflict: Split Estate Impacts on Surface Owner Perceptions of Shale Gas Drilling
Alan R. Collins and Kofi Nkansah, November 2015
Unconventional Gas Development in the USA: Exploring the Risk Perception Issues
Graham et al., October 2015
Hydraulic fracturing – Integrating public participation with an independent review of the risks and benefits
Wheeler et al., October 2015
Stakeholder perspectives on shale gas fracking: a Q-method study of environmental discourses
Cotton Matthew, September 2015
Differences in Public Perceptions and Leaders’ Perceptions on Hydraulic Fracturing and Shale Development
Crowe et al., September 2015
Fracking and environmental (in)justice in a Texas city
Fry et al., September 2015
Framing ‘fracking’: Exploring public perceptions of hydraulic fracturing in the United Kingdom
Williams et al., July 2015
Frac Sand Mines Are Preferentially Sited in Unzoned Rural Areas
Christina Locke, July 2015
Eliciting public concerns about an emerging energy technology: The case of unconventional shale gas development in the United States
Israel et al., July 2015
Popular Epidemiology and "Fracking": Citizens' Concerns Regarding the Economic, Environmental, Health and Social Impacts of Unconventional Natural Gas Drilling Operations
Powers et al., June 2015
Spatial distribution of unconventional gas wells and human populations in the Marcellus Shale in the United States: Vulnerability analysis
Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger and Liyao Huang, June 2015
Effect of Providing Information on Students' Knowledge and Concerns about Hydraulic Fracking
Burger et al., May 2015
Selective perceptions of hydraulic fracturing
Sarge et al., March 2015
Opportunity, Ambivalence, and Youth Perspectives on Community Change in Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale Region
Kai Schafft and Catharine Biddle, February 2015
Social impacts of earthquakes caused by gas extraction in the Province of Groningen, The Netherlands
Nick van der Voort and Frank Vanclay, January 2015
Framing Dynamics and Political Gridlock: The Curious Case of Hydraulic Fracturing in New York
Jennifer Dodge and Jeongyoon Lee, September 2024
Shale We Drill? Discourse Dynamics in UK Fracking Debates
Elizabeth Bomberg, September 2024
Review of Risks to Communities from Shale Energy Development
Jeffrey B. Jacquet, August 2014
Field Survey of Health Perception and Complaints of Pennsylvania Residents in the Marcellus Shale Region
Saberi et al., June 2014
Public and Stakeholder Participation for Managing and Reducing the Risks of Shale Gas Development
North et al., April 2014
Local Impacts of Unconventional Gas Development within Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale Region: Gauging Boomtown Development through the Perspectives of Educational Administrators
Schafft et al., April 2014
Marcellus Shale Development and the Susquehanna River An Exploratory Analysis of Cross-Sector Attitudes on Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing
Mark A. Heuer and Zui Chih Lee, March 2014
There’s no real choice but to sign: neoliberalization and normalization of hydraulic fracturing on Pennsylvania farmland
Stephanie Malin, March 2014
“Fracking” controversy and communication: Using national survey data to understand public perceptions of hydraulic fracturing
Boudet et al., February 2014
Social costs from proximity to hydraulic fracturing in New York State
Popkin et al., November 2013
The United States experience as a reference of success for shale gas development: The case of Mexico
Juan Roberto Lozano Maya, November 2013
Differing opinions about natural gas drilling in two adjacent counties with different levels of drilling activity
Kriesky et al., July 2013
Stakeholder Perceptions of Socioenvironmental Impacts from Unconventional Natural Gas Development and Hydraulic Fracturing in the Haynesville Shale
Anthony E. Ladd, July 2013
The Relationship between Marcellus Shale Gas Development in Pennsylvania and Local Perceptions of Risk and Opportunity
Schafft et al., June 2013
Assessment and longitudinal analysis of health impacts and stressors perceived to result from unconventional shale gas development in the Marcellus Shale region
Ferrar et al., September 2024
Landowner attitudes toward natural gas and wind farm development in northern Pennsylvania
Jeffrey B. Jacquet, November 2012
Development, Land Use, and Collective Trauma: The Marcellus Shale Gas Boom in Rural Pennsylvania
Simona L. Perry, June 2012
Public Perception of Desalinated Produced Water From Oil and Gas Field Operations: A Replication
Theodori et al., September 2024
Natural Gas Landowner Coalitions in New York State: Emerging Benefits of Collective Natural Resource Management
Jeffrey Jacquet and Richard C. Stedman, September 2024
Residents' Perceptions of Community and Environmental Impacts from Development of Natural Gas in the Marcellus Shale: A Comparison of Pennsylvania and New York Cases
Braiser et al., September 2024
Explaining Residential Energy Consumption: A Focus on Location and Race Differences in Natural Gas Use
Lazarus Adua and Jeff S. Sharp, September 2024
A Thematic Analysis of Local Respondents' Perceptions of Barnett Shale Energy Development
Brooklynn J. Wynveen, September 2024

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