Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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Lagging and Flagging: Air Pollution, Shale Gas Exploration and the Interaction of Policy, Science, Ethics and Environmental Justice in England
Andrew Watterson and William Dinan, January 1970
Living at Extractive Sites: Invisible Harm and Green Victimization in the Oil Fields*
Opsal et al., September 2024
Speaking power to power: Grassroots democracy in the anti-fracking movement in Bulgaria
Nikolay L. Mihaylov, September 2024
Social Influence, Risk and Benefit Perceptions, and the Acceptability of Risky Energy Technologies: An Explanatory Model of Nuclear Power Versus Shale Gas
Groot et al., September 2024
Key Characteristics Influencing Risk Perceptions of Unconventional Energy Development
Frances A. Marlin-Tackie and Jessica M. Smith, December 2019
Politics, climate change, and earthquakes: Public perceptions of oil and gas impacts in Oklahoma
Gray et al., December 2019
From victims to citizens: Emerging activist identities in the anti-fracking movement in Bulgaria
Nikolay L. Mihaylov, November 2019
Uncertainty and trustworthiness in discussions of fracking: Exploring the views of academic scientists and local governmental representatives
Michelle L. Edwards, November 2019
A social take on unconventional resources: Materiality, alienation and the making of shale gas in Poland and the United Kingdom
Anna Szolucha, November 2019
"Old Town Dentonites": Community members’ competing constructions of hydraulic fracturing and land use in Denton, Texas
Soyer et al., October 2019
Priming the Well: “Frackademia” and the Corporate Pipeline of Oil and Gas Funding into Higher Education
Anthony E. Ladd, October 2019
Many voices in the room: A national survey experiment on how framing changes views toward fracking in the United States
Patrick Bayer and Alexander Ovodenko, October 2019
Context matters: Fracking attitudes, knowledge and trust in three communities in Alberta, Canada
Truong et al., September 2019
The impacts of shale natural gas energy development on outdoor recreation: A statewide assessment of pennsylvanians
Ferguson et al., September 2019
Shale gas in coal country: Testing the Goldilocks Zone of energy impacts in the western Appalachian range
Anne N. Junod and Jeffrey B. Jacquet, September 2019
Seeing through risk-colored glasses: Risk and benefit perceptions, knowledge, and the politics of fracking in the United States
Howell et al., September 2019
Public Attitudes towards Hydraulic Fracturing in Western Newfoundland
Martínez-Espiñeira et al., August 2019
The politics of Asian fracking: Public risk perceptions towards shale gas development in China
Tan et al., August 2019
The demographics of fracking: A spatial analysis for four U.S. states
Klara Zwickl, July 2019
Putting on partisan glasses: Political identity, quality of life, and oil and gas production in Colorado
Malin et al., June 2019
The structure of attitudes towards shale gas extraction in the United Kingdom
Andersson-Hudson et al., June 2019
How distance influences dislike: Responses to proposed fracking in Fermanagh, Northern Ireland
Craig et al., June 2019
Environmental Justice in Unconventional Oil and Natural Gas Extraction: A Critical Review and Research Agenda
Kroepsch et al., May 2019
The politics of scientific consensus? Political divergence and partisanship in unconventional energy development in the United States
Christopher E. Clarke and Darrick T. N. Evensen, May 2019
Where's the fracking bias?: Contested media frames and news reporting on shale gas in the United States
Gearhart et al., May 2019
Public opinion toward hydraulic fracturing: The effect of beyond compliance and voluntary third-party certification
Lee et al., May 2019
Locating community impacts of unconventional natural gas across the supply chain: A scoping review
Buse et al., March 2019
Rural communities and unconventional gas development: What's important for maintaining subjective community wellbeing and resilience over time?
McCrea et al., February 2019
Local Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing Ahead of Exploratory Drilling in Eastern South Africa
Devan Allen McGranahan and Kevin P. Kirkman, February 2019
Embodied energy injustices: Unveiling and politicizing the transboundary harms of fossil fuel extractivism and fossil fuel supply chains
Healy et al., February 2019
Tradeoffs, balancing, and adaptation in the agriculture-oil and gas nexus: Insights from farmers and ranchers in the United States
Haggerty et al., January 2019
The Shale Boom and Family Structure: Oil and Gas Employment Growth Relationship to Marriage, Divorce, and Cohabitation
Shepard et al., September 2024
Perceptions of Local Leaders in Shale Energy Communities: Views on Influence, Inclusion, and Trust (A Research Note)
Gene L Theodori and Karen M Douglas, September 2024
Global controversies in local settings: anti-fracking activism in the era of Web 2.0
Agata Stasik, December 2018
"We Do Not Exist" Illness, Invisibility, and Empowerment of Communities Struck by the Fracking Boom
Kristen M. Schorpp, December 2018
Maryland is not for Shale: Scientific and public anxieties of predicting health impacts of fracking
Thurka Sangaramoorthy, November 2018
How much is enough? Approaches to public participation in shale gas regulation across England, France, and Algeria
Aczel et al., November 2018
The Dual Importance of Political Identity in Environmental Governance: The Case of Oil and Gas Policy in Colorado
Adam Mayer and Tara O'Connor Shelley, November 2018
Fracking in a fractured environment: Shale gas mining and institutional dynamics in South Africa’s young democracy
Doreen Atkinson, November 2018
The Fiscal Impacts of Energy: Perspectives from local governments in the Mountain West, USA
Adam Mayer, November 2018
The (Uneven) Spatial Distribution of the Bakken Oil Boom
Richter et al., November 2018
A decade of Marcellus Shale: Impacts to people, policy, and culture from 2008 to 2018 in the Greater Mid-Atlantic region of the United States
Jacquet et al., November 2018
Birth and Death(?) of the Anti-Fracking Movement: Inferences from Quantity of Coverage Theory
Allan Mazur, October 2018
The Effect of the Oil and Gas Boom on Schooling Decisions in the U.S
Zuo et al., October 2018
Yet more ‘fracking’ social science: An overview of unconventional hydrocarbon development globally
Darrick Evensen, October 2018
Is ‘activist’ a dirty word? Place identity, activism and unconventional gas development across three continents
Luke et al., October 2018
Unconventional gas development in Australia: A critical review of its social license
Luke et al., October 2018
Unconventionally contentious: Frack Free South Africa’s challenge to the oil and gas industry
Jasper Finkeldey, October 2018
Fuel to the fire: Risk governance and framing of shale gas in the Netherlands
Tamara Metze, October 2018
The Eagle Ford and Bakken shale regions of the United States: A comparative case study
Emily Grubert, October 2018

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