Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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Shaping State Fracking Policies in the United States: An Analysis of Who, What, and How
Charles E. Davis, June 2017
Hybrid forums, knowledge deficits and the multiple uncertainties of resource extraction: Negotiating the local governance of shale gas in Poland
Aleksandra Lis and Agata Kinga Stasik, June 2017
Comparative analysis of hydraulic fracturing wastewater practices in unconventional shale developments: Regulatory regimes
Notte et al., June 2017
Catching environmental noncompliance in shale gas development in China and the United States
Guo et al., June 2017
This land is your land, maybe: A historical institutionalist analysis for contextualizing split estate conflicts in U.S. unconventional oil and gas development
Stacia S. Ryder and Peter M. Hall, April 2017
Unconventional regulation for unconventional energy in Northern Colorado? Municipalities as strategic actors and innovators in the United States
Stacia S. Ryder, April 2017
Allocating Damage Compensation in a Federalist System: Lessons from Spatially Resolved Air Emissions in the Marcellus
A. Patrick Behrer and Meagan S Mauter, March 2017
Consultation is not consent: hydraulic fracturing and water governance on Indigenous lands in Canada
Moore et al., January 1970
Using US project structures for UK unconventional gas projects
Peter Roberts, February 2017
Regulating energy innovation: US responses to hydraulic fracturing, wastewater injection and induced seismicity
Fenner L. Stewart and Allan Ingelson, September 2024
Free market ideology and deregulation in Colorado's oil fields: Evidence for triple movement activism?
Malin et al., September 2024
Post-conventional energy futures: Rendering Europe's shale gas resources governable
Magdalena Kuchler, September 2024
Hydraulic Fracking, Shale Energy Development, and Climate Inaction: A New Landscape of Risk in the Trump Era
Anthony E. Ladd and Richard York, September 2024
The regulation of risk: the case of fracking in the UK and the Netherlands
Alan Patterson and Craig McLean, September 2024
Fracking and environmental protection: An analysis of U.S. state policies
Charles Davis, September 2024
Air Regulation Requirements in the Marcellus and Utica Shale Region: Management Approaches and Case Study
Thomas S. Seguljic and John P. Martin, December 2016
Local control: authority, resistance, and knowledge production in fracking
Cristobal Valencia and Maceo Carrillo Martinet, December 2016
Legislative Behavior in the Seventh European Parliament and the Regulation of Shale Gas Development in the European Union
Zachary A. Wendling, December 2016
Regulatory Domain and Regulatory Dexterity: Critiquing the UK Governance of ‘Fracking’
Elen Stokes, November 2016
Economic benefits, external costs and the regulation of unconventional gas in the United States
Ian Cronshaw and R. Quentin Grafton, November 2016
Who governs local hydrocarbon development? Evidence from the Marcellus Shale in the United States
Genti Kostandini and Terence J. Centner, October 2016
Delineating property rights in unconventional hydrocarbon resources: Concepts from the United States and Germany
Dirk Hanschel and Terence Centner, October 2016
Statistical analysis of compliance violations for natural gas wells in Pennsylvania
Abualfaraj et al., October 2016
A decision analysis framework for estimating the potential hazards for drinking water resources of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing fluids
Yost et al., September 2016
BLM, the Administrative Presidency, and Policy Shifts: Policy Tools Affecting Oil and Gas Operations
Charles Davis, September 2016
Exploring the intersections between local knowledge and environmental regulation: a study of shale gas extraction in Texas and Lancashire
Yasminah Beebeejaun, August 2016
Social Networks and Policy Entrepreneurship: How Relationships Shape Municipal Decision Making about High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing
Arnold et al., August 2016
Local Land Use Planning Responses to Hydraulic Fracturing
Carolyn G. Loh and Anna C. Osland, July 2016
Subnational Responses to Fracking in Canada: Explaining Saskatchewan's “Wild West” Regulatory Approach
Angela V. Carter and Emily M. Eaton, July 2016
New rig on the block: spatial policy discourse and the new suburban geography of energy production on Colorado's Front Range
Adrianne Kroepsch, May 2016
The bundle below: Understanding unconventional oil and gas development through analysis of lease agreements
Bugden et al., May 2016
The use of best management practices to respond to externalities from developing shale gas resources
Terence J. Centner and Nicholas S. Eberhart, April 2016
Adequacy of Current State Setbacks for Directional High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing in the Marcellus, Barnett, and Niobrara Shale Plays
Haley et al., February 2016
Health Impact Assessments, Regulation, and the Unconventional Gas Industry in the UK: Exploiting Resources, Ideology, and Expertise?
Andrew Watterson and William Dinan, February 2016
Impact of Executive Order 13211 on environmental regulation: An empirical study
Geltman et al., February 2016
Hydraulic fracturing chemicals reporting: Analysis of available data and recommendations for policymakers
Katherine Konschnik and Archana Dayalu, January 2016
The patchwork approach to the regulation of fraccing and unconventional gas in Australia
John Hedge, September 2024
How Dallas became frack free: hydrocarbon governance under neoliberalism
Fry et al., December 2015
The real value of FracFocus as a regulatory tool: A national survey of state regulators
Dundon et al., December 2015
Local governments want authority to address problems: The case of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing in the United States
Terence J. Centner and Genti Kostandini, December 2015
Permitting program with best management practices for shale gas wells to safeguard public health
Terence J. Centner and Ludivine Petetin, August 2015
Synergies and Tradeoffs Among Environmental Impacts Under Conservation Planning of Shale Gas Surface Infrastructure
Milt et al., August 2015
Shale gas operator violations in the Marcellus and what they tell us about water resource risks
Rahm et al., July 2015
Hydraulic Fracturing and Environmental Concerns: The Role of Local Government
Jonathan Verschuuren, May 2015
Data inconsistencies from states with unconventional oil and gas activity
Malone et al., March 2015
Regulation of hydraulic fracturing operations at the federal and state levels
Patricia Carroll Hertzler, November 2014
Substate Federalism and Fracking Policies: Does State Regulatory Authority Trump Local Land Use Autonomy?
Charles Davis, August 2014
Risks and Risk Governance in Unconventional Shale Gas Development
Small et al., July 2014
Unfinished business in the regulation of shale gas production in the United States
Terence J. Centner and Laura Kathryn O'Connell, April 2014
The Capacity of State Institutions to Govern Shale Gas Development Risks
Hannah Wiseman, March 2014

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