Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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Unconventional oil and gas extraction in South Africa: water linkages within the population–environment–development nexus and its policy implications
Esterhuyse et al., April 2016
Water usage for natural gas production through hydraulic fracturing in the United States from 2008 to 2014
Huan Chen and Kimberly E. Carter, April 2016
Water Use and Management in the Bakken Shale Oil Play in North Dakota
Horner et al., March 2016
Water Availability for Shale Gas Development in Sichuan Basin, China
Yu et al., February 2016
An analysis of the challenges for groundwater governance during shale gas development in South Africa
Pietersen et al., January 2016
Water Footprint of Hydraulic Fracturing
Andrew Kondash and Avner Vengosh, October 2015
Spatial and temporal trends in freshwater appropriation for natural gas development in Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale Play
Barth-Naftilan et al., August 2015
Hydraulic fracturing water use variability in the United States and potential environmental implications
Gallegos et al., July 2015
Investment optimization model for freshwater acquisition and wastewater handling in shale gas production
Yang et al., June 2015
Evolving water management practices in shale oil & gas development
Rebecca S. Rodriguez and Daniel J. Soeder, June 2015
Impact of Shale Gas Development on Water Resources: A Case Study in Northern Poland
Vandecasteele et al., April 2015
Optimal Design and Operations of Supply Chain Networks for Water Management in Shale Gas Production: MILFP Model and Algorithms for the Water-Energy Nexus
Jiyao Gao and Fengqi You, April 2015
A review of water and greenhouse gas impacts of unconventional natural gas development in the United States
Arent et al., September 2024
Will water scarcity in semiarid regions limit hydraulic fracturing of shale plays?
Scanlon et al., December 2014
Comparison of Water Use for Hydraulic Fracturing for Shale Oil and Gas Production versus Conventional Oil
Scanlon et al., September 2014
Quantifying the potential effects of high-volume water extractions on water resources during natural gas development: Marcellus Shale, NY
Laura C. Best and Christopher S. Lowry, July 2014
Water resource impacts during unconventional shale gas development: The Pennsylvania experience
Brantley et al., June 2014
Water Intensity Assessment of Shale Gas Resources in the Wattenberg Field in Northeastern Colorado
Goodwin et al., April 2014
Surface water withdrawals for Marcellus Shale gas development: performance of alternative regulatory approaches in the Upper Ohio River Basin
Mitchell et al., November 2013
Life Cycle Water Consumption for Shale Gas and Conventional Natural Gas
Clark et al., October 2013
State-scale perspective on water use and production associated with oil and gas operations, Oklahoma, U.S
Kyle E Murray, May 2013
Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions and freshwater consumption of Marcellus shale gas
Ian J Laurenzi and Gilbert R Jersey, May 2013
Fracking vs Faucets: Balancing Energy Needs and Water Sustainability at Urban Frontiers
Fry et al., July 2012
Water Use for Shale-Gas Production in Texas, US
Jean-Philippe Nicot and Bridget R. Scanlon, March 2012
Toward strategic management of shale gas development: Regional, collective impacts on water resources
Brian G. Rahm and Susan J. Riha, March 2012

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