Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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Use keywords or categories (e.g., air quality, climate, health) to identify peer-reviewed studies and view study abstracts.

Critique of Well Activity Proxy Uses Inadequate Data and Statistics
Gunnar W. Schade, January 1970
Socio-Psychological Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Community Health and Well-Being
Soyer et al., January 1970
Flaring from Unconventional Oil and Gas Development and Birth Outcomes in the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas
et al., September 2024
Residential Proximity to Oil and Gas Development and Birth Outcomes in California: A Retrospective Cohort Study of 2006–2015 Births
et al., September 2024
Evaluating potential human health risks from modeled inhalation exposures to volatile organic compounds emitted from oil and gas operations
Holder et al., December 2019
Fracking and infant mortality: fresh evidence from Oklahoma
Apergis et al., October 2019
An integrated hazard screening and indexing system for hydraulic fracturing chemical assessment
Hu et al., October 2019
Unconventional natural gas development and adverse birth outcomes in Pennsylvania: The potential mediating role of antenatal anxiety and depression
Casey et al., October 2019
Congenital heart defects and intensity of oil and gas well site activities in early pregnancy
McKenzie et al., July 2019
Developmental exposure to chemicals associated with unconventional oil and gas extraction alters immune homeostasis and viral immunity of the amphibian Xenopus
Robert et al., June 2019
Shedding light on the effects of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water on phototactic behavior in Daphnia magna
Delompré et al., June 2019
Urinary and hair concentrations of trace metals in pregnant women from Northeastern British Columbia, Canada: a pilot study
Caron-Beaudoin et al., May 2019
Does fracking drive you to drink? Unconventional oil and gas production and alcohol consumption in U.S. counties
Adam Mayer and Shawn Olson Hazboun, April 2019
A systematic assessment of carcinogenicity of chemicals in hydraulic-fracturing fluids and flowback water
Xu et al., April 2019
Unconventional natural gas development and hospitalizations: evidence from Pennsylvania, United States, 2003–2014
Denham et al., March 2019
Assessment of impacts of diphenyl phosphate on groundwater and near-surface environments: Sorption and toxicity
Funk et al., January 2019
Assessing Agreement in Exposure Classification between Proximity-Based Metrics and Air Monitoring Data in Epidemiology Studies of Unconventional Resource Development
Hess et al., January 1970
Preconceptional, Gestational, and Lactational Exposure to an Unconventional Oil and Gas Chemical Mixture Alters Energy Expenditure in Adult Female Mice
Balise et al., September 2024
Environmental Health Concerns From Unconventional Natural Gas Development
Irena Gorski and Brian S. Schwartz, September 2024
Impact of the Hydraulic Fracturing on Indoor Radon Concentrations in Ohio: A Multilevel Modeling Approach
Kumar et al., September 2024
The association between natural gas well activity and specific congenital anomalies in Oklahoma, 1997–2009
Janitz et al., December 2018
Succession of toxicity and microbiota in hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water in the Denver–Julesburg Basin
Hull et al., December 2018
Relationships between Indicators of Cardiovascular Disease and Intensity of Oil and Natural Gas Activity in Northeastern Colorado
McKenzie et al., December 2018
In vitro assessment of endocrine disrupting potential of organic fractions extracted from hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water (HF-FPW)
He et al., December 2018
Maryland is not for Shale: Scientific and public anxieties of predicting health impacts of fracking
Thurka Sangaramoorthy, November 2018
Fuzzy clustering analysis of hydraulic fracturing additives for environmental and human health risk mitigation
Hu et al., October 2018
Environmental and individual PAH exposures near rural natural gas extraction
Paulik et al., October 2018
Unconventional natural gas development and pediatric asthma hospitalizations in Pennsylvania
Willis et al., October 2018
Fracking and risky behaviors: Evidence from Pennsylvania
Trinidad Beleche and Inna Cintina, September 2018
Shale gas development and infant health: Evidence from Pennsylvania
Elaine L. Hill, September 2018
Truck and Multivehicle Truck Accidents with Injuries Near Colorado Oil and Gas Operations
Blair et al., August 2018
A community-based evaluation of proximity to unconventional oil and gas wells, drinking water contaminants, and health symptoms in Ohio
Elliott et al., August 2018
Setback distances for unconventional oil and gas development: Delphi study results
Lewis et al., August 2018
Prioritization of reproductive toxicants in unconventional oil and gas operations using a multi-country regulatory data-driven hazard assessment
Inayat-Hussain et al., August 2018
Associations of unconventional natural gas development with depression symptoms and disordered sleep in Pennsylvania
Casey et al., July 2018
Assessing Human Health PM2.5 and Ozone Impacts from U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Sector Emissions in 2025
Fann et al., July 2018
Exposures and Health Risks from Volatile Organic Compounds in Communities Located near Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Activities in Colorado (USA)
McMullin et al., July 2018
Analysis of a gas explosion in Dimock PA (USA) during fracking operations in the Marcellus gas shale
Terry Engelder and John F. Zevenbergen, July 2018
Potential impacts of emissions associated with unconventional hydrocarbon extraction on UK air quality and human health
Archibald et al., June 2018
Fracking and health
David McCoy and Patrick Saunders, June 2018
Association between Oklahoma earthquakes and anxiety-related Google search episodes
Casey et al., June 2018
Environmental and Human Health Impacts of Spreading Oil and Gas Wastewater on Roads
Tasker et al., May 2018
Residential noise from nearby oil and gas well construction and drilling
Blair et al., May 2018
Experimental Analysis of Soil and Mandarin Orange Plants Treated with Heavy Metals Found in Oilfield-Produced Wastewater
Zhang et al., May 2018
Exposure Assessment Using Secondary Data Sources in Unconventional Natural Gas Development and Health Studies
Koehler et al., April 2018
Physical immobility as a sensitive indicator of hydraulic fracturing fluid toxicity towards Daphnia magna
Blewett et al., April 2018
Assessing Residential Exposure Risk from Spills of Flowback Water from Marcellus Shale Hydraulic Fracturing Activity
Abualfaraj et al., April 2018
Endocrine-Disrupting Activities and Organic Contaminants Associated with Oil and Gas Operations in Wyoming Groundwater
Kassotis et al., April 2018
Hazard assessment of hydraulic fracturing chemicals using an indexing method
Hu et al., April 2018
Public Health and Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction Including Fracking: Global Lessons from a Scottish Government Review
Andrew Watterson and William Dinan, April 2018

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