Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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Membrane distillation (MD) integrated with crystallization (MDC) for shale gas produced water (SGPW) treatment
Kim et al., February 2017
Risks and mitigation options for on-site storage of wastewater from shale gas and tight oil development
Kuwayama et al., February 2017
A theoretical cost optimization model of reused flowback distribution network of regional shale gas development
Li et al., January 2017
Hillslope soil water flowpaths and the dynamics of roadside soil cation pools influenced by road deicers
Rossi et al., January 2017
Analysis of Texas Eagle Ford Shale Oil Hydro Fracturing Produced Water Treatment Process
Skrivanos et al., January 1970
Application of three different water treatment technologies to shale gas produced water
Jang et al., September 2024
Produced Water from Oil-Gas Plants: A Short Review on Challenges and Opportunities
Masoud Nasiri and Iman Jafari, September 2024
Wastewater from hydraulic fracturing in the UK: assessing the viability and cost of management
C. O'Donnell et al., September 2024
Superhydrophilic Functionalization of Microfiltration Ceramic Membranes Enables Separation of Hydrocarbons from Frac and Produced Water
Maguire-Boyle et al., September 2024
Nanoscale zero-valent iron for metal/metalloid removal from model hydraulic fracturing wastewater
Sun et al., September 2024
Oil and gas produced water as a growth medium for microalgae cultivation: A review and feasibility analysis
Graham et al., September 2024
Evaluating the Feasibility of Using Produced Water from Oil and Natural Gas Production to Address Water Scarcity in California’s Central Valley
Meng et al., December 2016
A Review of Crosslinked Fracturing Fluids Prepared with Produced Water
Li et al., December 2016
Co-treatment of abandoned mine drainage and Marcellus Shale flowback water for use in hydraulic fracturing
He et al., November 2016
Experimental study of treatment processes for shale gas fracturing flowback fluid in the eastern Sichuan Basin
Huang et al., November 2016
A review of the issues and treatment options for wastewater from shale gas extraction by hydraulic fracturing
José M. Estrada and Rao Bhamidimarri, October 2016
Health Effects Associated with Wastewater Treatment, Reuse, and Disposal
Qu et al., October 2016
Removal of Radium from Synthetic Shale Gas Brines by Ion Exchange Resin
Bi et al., October 2016
Adsorption of hydraulic fracturing fluid components 2-butoxyethanol and furfural onto granular activated carbon and shale rock
Manz et al., September 2016
The treatment of phenolic contaminants from shale gas drilling wastewater: a comparison with UV-Fenton and modified UV-Fenton processes at neutral pH
Chen et al., September 2016
Redox Conditions Alter Biodegradation Rates and Microbial Community Dynamics of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Organic Additives in Soil–Groundwater Microcosms
Mouser et al., August 2016
Recycling Fracturing Flowback Water for Use in Hydraulic Fracturing: Influence of Organic Matter on Stability of Carboxyl-Methyl-Cellulose-Based Fracturing Fluids
Esmaeilirad et al., August 2016
Numerical investigation of the influence of underground water injection on the groundwater system in a shale gas reservoir in southwestern China
Yin et al., July 2016
Application of microfiltration for the treatment of Marcellus Shale flowback water: Influence of floc breakage on membrane fouling
Can He and Radisav D. Vidic, July 2016
Transport of hydraulic fracturing waste from Pennsylvania wells: A county-level analysis of road use and associated road repair costs
Lauren A. Patterson and Kelly O. Maloney, July 2016
Multiobjective Optimization Model for Minimizing Cost and Environmental Impact in Shale Gas Water and Wastewater Management
Timothy V. Bartholomew and Meagan S. Mauter, July 2016
Low-energy hydraulic fracturing wastewater treatment via AC powered electrocoagulation with biochar
Lobo et al., May 2016
Optimal reuse of flowback wastewater in hydraulic fracturing including seasonal and environmental constraints
Lira-Barragán et al., May 2016
Treatment of hydraulic fracturing wastewater by wet air oxidation
Wang et al., March 2016
Probabilistic modeling of shale gas containment pits for environmental and safety management
Darnell et al., February 2016
Optimal Water Management under Uncertainty for Shale Gas Production
Lira-Barragán et al., February 2016
The impact of commercially treated oil and gas produced water discharges on bromide concentrations and modeled brominated trihalomethane disinfection byproducts at two downstream municipal drinking water plants in the upper Allegheny River, Pennsylvania, USA
Landis et al., January 2016
Shale gas wastewater management under uncertainty
Zhang et al., January 2016
A review on risk assessment techniques for hydraulic fracturing water and produced water management implemented in onshore unconventional oil and gas production
Torres et al., January 2016
Potential impact of flowback water from hydraulic fracturing on agricultural soil quality: Metal/metalloid bioaccessibility, Microtox bioassay, and enzyme activities
Chen et al., September 2024
The Problem of Wastewater in Shale Gas Exploitation The Influence of Fracturing Flowback Water on Activated Sludge at a Wastewater Treatment Plant
Bartoszewicz et al., September 2024
Treatment of back flow fluids from shale gas exploration with recovery of uranium
Gajda et al., September 2024
Using Soil Amendments to Increase Bermuda Grass Growth in Soil Contaminated with Hydraulic Fracturing Drilling Fluid
Wolf et al., November 2015
A new nanocomposite forward osmosis membrane custom-designed for treating shale gas wastewater
Qin et al., September 2015
Natural Gas Residual Fluids: Sources, Endpoints, and Organic Chemical Composition after Centralized Waste Treatment in Pennsylvania
Getzinger et al., July 2015
Current perspective on produced water management challenges during hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas recovery
Kelvin Gregory and Arvind Murali Mohan, May 2015
Characterization of hydraulic fracturing flowback water in Colorado: Implications for water treatment
Lester et al., April 2015
Management of Marcellus Shale Produced Water in Pennsylvania: A Review of Current Strategies and Perspectives
He et al., December 2014
Effect of dissolved solids on reuse of produced water at high temperature in hydraulic fracturing jobs
Ashkan Haghshenas and Hisham A. Nasr-El-Din, November 2014
Shale gas produced water treatment using innovative microbial capacitive desalination cell
Stoll et al., October 2014
Surface disposal of produced waters in western and southwestern Pennsylvania: Potential for accumulation of alkali-earth elements in sediments
Skalak et al., June 2014
Expert Elicitation of Trends in Marcellus Oil and Gas Wastewater Management
Meagan S. Mauter and Vanessa R. Palmer, May 2014
Radium and Barium Removal through Blending Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids with Acid Mine Drainage
Kondash et al., January 2014
Transport of Hydraulic Fracturing Water and Wastes in the Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania
Gilmore et al., December 2013
Suggested Reporting Parameters for Investigations of Wastewater from Unconventional Shale Gas Extraction
Bibby et al., December 2013

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