Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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InSAR data reveal that the largest hydraulic fracturing-induced earthquake in Canada, to date, is a slow-slip event
Eyre et al., February 2022
Earthquakes Triggered by Fluid Diffusion and Boosted by Fault Reactivation in Weiyuan, China Due to Hydraulic Fracturing
Sheng et al., September 2024
The Rise, Peak and Decline of the Seismic Hazard Related to Hydraulic Fracturing Activities in the Duvernay Play, Fox Creek Area, Alberta
Canales et al., September 2024
Induced seismicity or political ploy?: Using a novel mix of methods to identify multiple publics and track responses over time to shale gas policy change
Devine-Wright et al., November 2021
Induced seismicity due to hydraulic fracturing near Blackpool, UK: source modeling and event detection
Karamzadeh et al., October 2021
Citizen perceptions of fracking-related earthquakes: Exploring the roles of institutional failures and resource loss in Oklahoma, United States
Ritchie et al., October 2021
Hazard and risk assessment for hydraulic fracturing induced seismicity based on the Entropy-Fuzzy-AHP method in Southern Sichuan Basin, China
Hu et al., June 2021
Hydraulic Fracturing, Cumulative Development and Earthquakes in the Peace River Region of British Columbia, Canada
Allan R. Chapman, May 2021
Chronic disaster impact: the long-term psychological and physical health consequences of housing damage due to induced earthquakes
Stroebe et al., May 2021
A risk-based approach for managing hydraulic fracturing–induced seismicity
Schultz et al., April 2021
Human-induced or natural hazard? Factors influencing perceptions of actions to be taken in response to induced seismicity
Tracy et al., April 2021
Complex 3D Migration and Delayed Triggering of Hydraulic Fracturing-Induced Seismicity
Kao et al., May 2021
State of stress in areas of active unconventional oil and gas development in North America
Jens-Erik Lund Snee and Mark D. Zoback, September 2024
Fault Triggering Mechanisms for Hydraulic Fracturing-Induced Seismicity From the Preston New Road, UK Case Study
Tom Kettlety and James P. Verdon, September 2024
Unprecedented quiescence in resource development area allowsdetection of long-lived latent seismicity
Rebecca O. Salvage and David W. Eaton, December 2020
Vulnerability of populations exposed to seismic risk in the state of Oklahoma
Derakhshan et al., November 2020
Green, yellow, red, or out of the blue? An assessment of Traffic Light Schemes to mitigate the impact of hydraulic fracturing-induced seismicity
James P. Verdon and Julian J. Bommer, October 2020
A new perspective on the hydraulics of oilfield wastewater disposal: how PTX conditions affect fluid pressure transients that cause earthquakes
Pollyea et al., August 2020
Hydraulic fracturing operation for oil and gas production and associated earthquake activities across the USA
Valeria Villa and Ramesh P. Singh, May 2020
Newly emerging cases of hydraulic fracturing induced seismicity in the Duvernay East Shale Basin
Ryan Schultz and Ruijia Wang, March 2020
Human-Induced Seismicity: Risk perceptions in the State of Oklahoma
Campbell et al., January 2020
Induced Seismicity in the Delaware Basin, West Texas, is Caused by Hydraulic Fracturing and Wastewater Disposal
Savvaidis et al., September 2024
Factors Influencing the Probability of Hydraulic Fracturing‐Induced Seismicity in Oklahoma
Ries et al., September 2024
High‐Resolution Imaging of Hydraulic‐Fracturing‐Induced Earthquake Clusters in the Dawson‐Septimus Area, Northeast British Columbia, Canada
Roth et al., September 2024
A Study on the Largest Hydraulic‐Fracturing‐Induced Earthquake in Canada: Observations and Static Stress‐Drop Estimation
Wang et al., September 2024
Short‐Term Probabilistic Hazard Assessment in Regions of Induced Seismicity
Ganyu Teng and Jack W. Baker, September 2024
Well Proximity Governing Stress Drop Variation and Seismic Attenuation Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Earthquakes
Yu et al., September 2024
Risk‐Informed Recommendations for Managing Hydraulic Fracturing–Induced Seismicity via Traffic Light Protocols
Schultz et al., September 2024
Induced seismicity in the Delaware Basin, Texas
Skoumal et al., December 2019
Politics, climate change, and earthquakes: Public perceptions of oil and gas impacts in Oklahoma
Gray et al., December 2019
Potential increase in oil and gas well leakage due to earthquakes
Kang et al., November 2019
Onset and cause of increased seismic activity near Pecos, West Texas, USA from observations at the Lajitas TXAR Seismic Array
Frohlich et al., November 2019
Assessing the potential of cross-contamination from oil and gas hydraulic fracturing: A case study in northeastern British Columbia, Canada
Wisen et al., September 2019
Determinants of earthquake damage liability assignment in Oklahoma: A Bayesian Tobit censored approach
John N. Ng'ombe and Tracy A. Boyer, August 2019
High density oilfield wastewater disposal causes deeper, stronger, and more persistent earthquakes
Pollyea et al., July 2019
A review of the current status of induced seismicity monitoring for hydraulic fracturing in unconventional tight oil and gas reservoirs
Li et al., April 2019
Induced seismicity driven by fluid diffusion revealed by a near-field hydraulic stimulation monitoring array in the Montney Basin, British Columbia
Yu et al., September 2024
Source‐Mechanism Analysis and Stress Inversion for Hydraulic‐Fracturing‐Induced Event Sequences near Fox Creek, AlbertaSource‐Mechanism Analysis and Stress Inversion
Zhang et al., September 2024
Quantifying the induced fracture slip and casing deformation in hydraulically fracturing shale gas wells
Yin et al., December 2018
Earthquakes Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing Are Pervasive in Oklahoma
Skoumal et al., December 2018
Spatiotemporal Assessment of Induced Seismicity in Oklahoma: Foreseeable Fewer Earthquakes for Sustainable Oil and Gas Extraction?
Hong et al., January 1970
Faults and associated karst collapse suggest conduits for fluid flow that influence hydraulic fracturing-induced seismicity
Galloway et al., October 2018
Oklahoma earthquakes and the price of oil
Travis Roach, October 2018
The spatial footprint of injection wells in a global compilation of induced earthquake sequences
Thomas H. W. Goebel and Emily E. Brodsky, August 2018
Analytical investigation of hydraulic fracture-induced seismicity and fault activation
Zhao et al., July 2018
Induced seismicity response of hydraulic fracturing: results of a multidisciplinary monitoring at the Wysin site, Poland
López-Comino et al., June 2018
Interevent Triggering in Microseismicity Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing
Maghsoudi et al., June 2018
How to Reduce Fluid-Injection-Induced Seismicity
Zang et al., April 2018
Fracking: How far from faults?
Wilson et al., February 2018
SBAS Analysis of Induced Ground Surface Deformation from Wastewater Injection in East Central Oklahoma, USA
Elizabeth Loesch and Vasit Sagan, February 2018

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