Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: March 06, 2025


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Unconventional Oil and Gas Development Exposure and Risk of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Case–Control Study in Pennsylvania, 2009–2017
Clark et al., March 2025
A complex bioaccumulation story in flowback and produced water from hydraulic fracturing: The role of organic compounds in inorganic accumulation in Lumbriculus variegatus
Mehler et al., July 2021
Fate of radium on the discharge of oil and gas produced water to the marine environment
Ahmad et al., June 2021
Comparing the effects of unconventional and conventional crude oil exposures on zebrafish and their progeny using behavioral and genetic markers
Philibert et al., May 2021
Shale Particle Interactions with Organic and Inorganic Hydraulic Fracturing Additives
Manz et al., February 2021
Up in smoke: characterizing the population exposed to flaring from unconventional oil and gas development in the contiguous US
Cushing et al., February 2021
Geochemical and Geophysical Indicators of Oil and Gas Wastewater can Trace Potential Exposure Pathways Following Releases to Surface Waters
Cozzarelli et al., October 2020
Changes to hepatic nutrient dynamics and energetics in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following exposure to and recovery from hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water
Weinrauch et al., October 2020
Exposure to Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Water Impairs Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) Cardiomyocyte Contractile Function and Swimming Performance
Folkerts et al., October 2020
Forensic tracers of exposure to produced water in freshwater mussels: a preliminary assessment of Ba, Sr, and cyclic hydrocarbons
Piotrowski et al., September 2020
Estimating Truck Traffic Generated from Well Developments on Low-Volume Roads
Ioannis Tsapakis, July 2020
Assessing Contamination of Stream Networks near Shale Gas Development Using a New Geospatial Tool
Agarwal et al., June 2020
Particulate Matter Emissions Associated with Marcellus Shale Drilling Waste Disposal and Transport
Mol et al., June 2020
Structure-based discovery of the endocrine disrupting effects of hydraulic fracturing chemicals as novel androgen receptor antagonists
Tachachartvanich et al., May 2020
Investigating the Potential Toxicity of Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback and Produced Water Spills to Aquatic Animals in Freshwater Environments: A North American Perspective
Folkerts et al., April 2020
A review about radioactivity in TENORMs of produced water waste from petroleum industry and its environmental and health effects
Ali et al., April 2020
Understanding the effects of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water (FPW) to the aquatic invertebrate, Lumbriculus variegatus under various exposure regimes
Mehler et al., April 2020
Developmental exposure to a mixture of unconventional oil and gas chemicals: A review of effects on adult health, behavior, and disease
Nagel et al., March 2020
Bioremediation of Unconventional Oil Contaminated Ecosystems under Natural and Assisted Conditions: A Review
Davoodi et al., January 2020
Forecasting concentrations of organic chemicals in the vadose zone caused by spills of hydraulic fracturing wastewater
Ma et al., December 2019
Characterizing and modeling environmental emergency of unconventional oil and gas spills in the USA: Life-year versus spill factors
Qingmin Meng, November 2019
Fuzzy fault tree analysis of hydraulic fracturing flowback water storage failure
Hu et al., October 2019
Geochemical and sulfate isotopic evolution of flowback and produced waters reveals water-rock interactions following hydraulic fracturing of a tight hydrocarbon reservoir
Osselin et al., October 2019
Emergence and fate of volatile iodinated organic compounds during biological treatment of oil and gas produced water
Almaraz et al., September 2019
Influence of High Total Dissolved Solids Concentration and Ionic Composition on γ Spectroscopy Radium Measurements of Oil and Gas-Produced Water
Ajemigbitse et al., August 2019
Hydrolysis and degradation of dazomet with pyrite: Implications for persistence in produced waters in the Marcellus Shale
Consolazio et al., July 2019
In situ transformation of ethoxylate and glycol surfactants by shale-colonizing microorganisms during hydraulic fracturing
Evans et al., June 2019
Shedding light on the effects of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water on phototactic behavior in Daphnia magna
Delompré et al., June 2019
Formation of disinfection by-products under influence of shale gas produced water
Huang et al., January 2019
Assessment of impacts of diphenyl phosphate on groundwater and near-surface environments: Sorption and toxicity
Funk et al., January 2019
Unconventional Oil and Gas Energy Systems: An Unidentified Hotspot of Antimicrobial Resistance
Campa et al., March 2025
Simulation of a hydraulic fracturing wastewater surface spill on agricultural soil
Oetjen et al., December 2018
Succession of toxicity and microbiota in hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water in the Denver–Julesburg Basin
Hull et al., December 2018
Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Compositions Induce Differential Enrichment of Soil Bacterial Communities
Lozano et al., December 2018
Emerging investigator series: radium accumulation in carbonate river sediments at oil and gas produced water discharges: implications for beneficial use as disposal management
McDevitt et al., November 2018
Degradation of polyethylene glycols and polypropylene glycols in microcosms simulating a spill of produced water in shallow groundwater
Rogers et al., September 2018
Iodinated disinfection byproducts: Formation and concerns
Cristina Postigo and Bozo Zonja, September 2018
Dustin et al., August 2018
Impacts of shale gas production wastewater on disinfection byproduct formation: an investigation from a non-bromide perspective
Huang et al., July 2018
Bounding Analysis of Drinking Water Health Risks from a Spill of Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Water
William R. Rish and Edward J. Pfau, April 2018
Sources of Radium Accumulation in Stream Sediments near Disposal Sites in Pennsylvania: Implications for Disposal of Conventional Oil and Gas Wastewater
Lauer et al., January 2018
Chemical Degradation of Polyacrylamide during Hydraulic Fracturing
Xiong et al., January 2018
Risk assessment of human exposure to Ra-226 in oil produced water from the Bakken Shale.
Torres et al., January 1970
The potential for spills and leaks of contaminated liquids from shale gas developments
Clancy et al., March 2025
Unconventional oil and gas chemicals and wastewater-impacted water samples promote adipogenesis via PPARγ-dependent and independent mechanisms in 3T3-L1 cells
Kassotis et al., March 2025
Exploring the hydraulic fracturing parameter space: a novel high-pressure, high-throughput reactor system for investigating subsurface chemical transformations
Andrew J. Sumner and Desiree L. Plata, March 2025
Numerical Modeling of Gas and Water Flow in Shale Gas Formations with a Focus on the Fate of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid
Edwards et al., December 2017
Natural Attenuation of Nonionic Surfactants Used in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids: Degradation Rates, Pathways, and Mechanisms
Heyob et al., December 2017
Produced Water Surface Spills and the Risk for BTEX and Naphthalene Groundwater Contamination
Shores et al., November 2017
Cardio-respirometry disruption in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos exposed to hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water
Folkerts et al., September 2017

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