Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: March 06, 2025


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Evaluating the Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on Streams using Microbial Molecular Signatures.
Jr et al., April 2021
Fracturing flowback fluids from shale gas wells in western chongqing: Geochemical analyses and relevance for exploration & development
Fu et al., April 2021
Environmental impacts from conventional and shale gas and oil development in China considering regional differences and well depth
Wang et al., April 2021
Futures of Fracking and the Everyday: Hydrocarbon Infrastructures, Unruly Materialities and Conspiracies
Anna Szolucha, March 2021
Identifying and quantifying source contributions of air quality contaminants during unconventional shale gas extraction
Orak et al., March 2021
Maximizing the Economic Benefits of Hydraulic Fracturing while Mitigating the Risk to Human Health in Colorado
John Patrick Boyle, March 2021
Producing (extra)ordinary death on the farm: unruly encounters and contaminated calves
Gretchen Sneegas, March 2021
Comparative geochemistry of flowback chemistry from the Utica/Point Pleasant and Marcellus formations
Welch et al., March 2021
Oil & gas produced water retention ponds as potential passive treatment for radium removal and beneficial reuse
McDevitt et al., March 2021
Geochemical evidence for fugitive gas contamination and associated water quality changes in drinking-water wells from Parker County, Texas
Whyte et al., March 2021
Irrigation of wheat with select hydraulic fracturing chemicals: Evaluating plant uptake and growth impacts
Shariq et al., March 2021
Public opinion and energy politics in the Saskatchewan and North Dakota
Besco et al., March 2021
Water scarcity footprint assessment for China's shale gas development
Liu et al., March 2021
Hydraulic Fracturing Chemical Disclosure Policy and Data Analysis: Metrics and Trends in Transparency
Hill et al., March 2021
Research fatigue in unconventional oil and gas boomtowns: Perceptions, strategies and obstacles among social scientists collecting human subjects data
Jacquet et al., March 2021
Major Understanding and Innovation, Challenges and Potential analysis of Shale Gas Exploration and Development in China
Liu et al., March 2021
The perceived impact of fracking on energy security and property values in the United Kingdom: An analysis of interviews with key-informants✰
Jack Adam Lampkin and Matthew Hall, February 2021
Health-based evaluation of ambient air measurements of PM 2.5 and volatile organic compounds near a Marcellus Shale unconventional natural gas well pad site and a school campus
Long et al., February 2021
Risk in discourses around fracking: a discourse linguistic perspective on the UK, the USA and Germany
Anna Mattfeldt, February 2021
Historic and modern approaches for discovery of abandoned wells for methane emissions mitigation in Oil Creek State Park, Pennsylvania
Saint-Vincent et al., February 2021
Acute Myocardial Infarction Associated with Unconventional Natural Gas Development:A Natural Experiment
Denham et al., February 2021
A Review of Issues, Characteristics, and Management for Wastewater due to Hydraulic Fracturing in the U.S.
Lifu Zhang and Berna Hascakir, February 2021
Twelve years of unconventional oil and gas development: production performance and economic analysis
Wigwe et al., February 2021
Shale Particle Interactions with Organic and Inorganic Hydraulic Fracturing Additives
Manz et al., February 2021
Environmental justice expansion in the context of fracking
Susan T. Zimny and Margaret C. Reardon, February 2021
Physiochemical characteristics of produced water in oilfields and its environmental impacts
Leil et al., February 2021
Up in smoke: characterizing the population exposed to flaring from unconventional oil and gas development in the contiguous US
Cushing et al., February 2021
Assessment of UV Disinfection and Advanced Oxidation Processes for Treatment and Reuse of Hydraulic Fracturing Produced Water
Vinge et al., January 2021
After the dust settles: Community resilience legacies of unconventional gas development
Hanabeth Luke and Darrick Evensen, January 2021
Exploration of unconventional oil and gas (UOAG) development on farmland: Findings from the Bakken shale of North Dakota
Felix N. Fernando and Jon A. Stika, January 2021
Halogen Radicals Contribute to the Halogenation and Degradation of Chemical Additives Used in Hydraulic Fracturing
Chen et al., January 2021
Electrochemical technologies for treating petroleum industry wastewater
Treviño-Reséndez et al., January 2021
Enzyme biotechnology development for treating polymers in hydraulic fracturing operations
Scheffer et al., January 2021
A Critical Review of the Physicochemical Impacts of Water Chemistry on Shale in Hydraulic Fracturing Systems
Khan et al., January 2021
“It’s our future” : Youth and fracking justice in England
Dunlop et al., January 2021
Environmental risks of shale gas exploitation and solutions for clean shale gas production in China
Gao et al., January 2021
Environmental issues related to fracking
S W Carmalt and Andrea Moscariello, January 2021
Microbial and Biogeochemical Indicators of Methane in Groundwater Aquifers of the Denver Basin, Colorado
Stanish et al., January 2021
Methane Emissions from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells in Canada and the United States
Williams et al., January 2021
Prominent Safety and Health Hazards During Crude Extraction: A Review of Process
Yadav et al., January 2021
Emissions of particulate matter due to Marcellus Shale gas development in Pennsylvania: Mapping the implications
Zoya Banan and Jeremy M. Gernand, January 2021
High Ethylene and Propylene in an Area Dominated by Oil Production
Lyman et al., January 2021
The Impact of Shale Oil and Gas Development on Rangelands in the Permian Basin Region: An Assessment Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data
Haoying Wang, January 1970
Evaluating Potential for Groundwater Contamination from Surface Spills Associated with Unconventional Oil and Gas Production: Methodology and Application to the South Platte Alluvial Aquifer
Cynthia Mai Kanno and John E. McCray, January 1970
Commingled Fluids in Abandoned Boreholes: Proximity Analysis of a Hidden Liability
Perra et al., March 2025
Seasonality and source apportionment of non-methane volatile organic compounds at Boulder Reservoir, Colorado, between 2017 and 2019
Pollack et al., March 2025
Use of Fracking Information Disclosure Policies to Reduce Uncertainty in Risk-Based Decisions
Sean Lonnquist and Deborah Gallagher, March 2025
End of the (Pipe)Line? Understanding how States Manage the Risks of Oil and Gas Wells
Steven Nelson and Jonathan M. Fisk, March 2025
Compensating communities for industrial disamenities: The case of shale gas development
Max Harleman, March 2025
Invited Perspective: Oil and Gas Development and Adverse Birth Outcomes: What More Do We Need to Know?
Nicole C. Deziel, March 2025

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