Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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Temporal Changes in Microbial Ecology and Geochemistry in Produced Water from Hydraulically Fractured Marcellus Shale Gas Wells
Cluff et al., May 2014
Atmospheric Hydrocarbon Emissions and Concentrations in the Barnett Shale Natural Gas Production Region
Zavala-Araiza et al., May 2014
A new look at methane and non-methane hydrocarbon emissions from oil and natural gas operations in the Colorado Denver-Julesburg Basin
Pétron et al., May 2014
Sources of High Total Dissolved Solids to Drinking Water Supply in Southwestern Pennsylvania
Wilson et al., May 2014
Kinetics and Equilibrium of Barium and Strontium Sulfate Formation in Marcellus Shale Flowback Water
He et al., May 2014
Expert Elicitation of Trends in Marcellus Oil and Gas Wastewater Management
Meagan S. Mauter and Vanessa R. Palmer, May 2014
Biodegradation in Waters from Hydraulic Fracturing: Chemistry, Microbiology, and Engineering
Strong et al., May 2014
A Framework to Predict the Impacts of Shale Gas Infrastructures on the Forest Fragmentation of an Agroforest Region
Racicot et al., May 2014
Health and fracking: Should the medical profession be concerned?
Mash et al., May 2014
Is China really ready for shale gas revolution—Re-evaluating shale gas challenges
Wang et al., May 2014
Public and Stakeholder Participation for Managing and Reducing the Risks of Shale Gas Development
North et al., April 2014
Spatially Explicit Methane Emissions from Petroleum Production and the Natural Gas System in California
Jeong et al., April 2014
Implications of Shale Gas Development for Climate Change
Richard G. Newell and Daniel Raimi, April 2014
Water Intensity Assessment of Shale Gas Resources in the Wattenberg Field in Northeastern Colorado
Goodwin et al., April 2014
Public Health England's draft report on shale gas extraction
Law et al., April 2014
Practical measures for reducing the risk of environmental contamination in shale energy production
Ziemkiewicz et al., April 2014
Co-precipitation of Radium with Barium and Strontium Sulfate and Its Impact on the Fate of Radium during Treatment of Produced Water from Unconventional Gas Extraction
Zhang et al., April 2014
Toward a better understanding and quantification of methane emissions from shale gas development
Caulton et al., April 2014
The Role of Toxicological Science in Meeting the Challenges and Opportunities of Hydraulic Fracturing
Goldstein et al., April 2014
Air quality concerns of unconventional oil and natural gas production
Field et al., April 2014
Grassland songbirds exhibit variable responses to the proximity and density of natural gas wells
Holly J. Kalyn Bogard and Stephen K. Davis, April 2014
Unconventional natural gas development: economic salvation or looming public health disaster?
Geralyn P. McCarron and David King, April 2014
Local Impacts of Unconventional Gas Development within Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale Region: Gauging Boomtown Development through the Perspectives of Educational Administrators
Schafft et al., April 2014
Mobile measurement of methane and hydrogen sulfide at natural gas production site fence lines in the Texas Barnett Shale
Eapi et al., April 2014
Unfinished business in the regulation of shale gas production in the United States
Terence J. Centner and Laura Kathryn O'Connell, April 2014
An investigation of seismicity clustered near the Cordel Field, west central Alberta, and its relation to a nearby disposal well
Schultz et al., April 2014
Regional Variation in Water Related Impacts of Shale Gas Development and Implications for Emerging International Plays
Mauter et al., March 2014
Understanding exposure from natural gas drilling puts current air standards to the test
Brown et al., March 2014
Hydraulic Fracturing: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future?
Chen et al., March 2014
Evolving shale gas management: water resource risks, impacts, and lessons learned
Brian G. Rahm and Susan J. Riha, March 2014
Evidence and mechanisms for Appalachian Basin brine migration into shallow aquifers in NE Pennsylvania, USA
Garth T. Llewellyn, March 2014
Highly Elevated Atmospheric Levels of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Uintah Basin, Utah
Helmig et al., March 2014
Matrix Complications in the Determination of Radium Levels in Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Water from Marcellus Shale
Nelson et al., March 2014
The Capacity of State Institutions to Govern Shale Gas Development Risks
Hannah Wiseman, March 2014
A Critical Review of the Risks to Water Resources from Unconventional Shale Gas Development and Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States
Vengosh et al., March 2014
Measurement of atmospheric pollutants associated with oil and natural gas exploration and production activity in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest
Pekney et al., March 2014
Anatomy of wintertime ozone associated with oil and natural gas extraction activity in Wyoming and Utah
Oltmans et al., March 2014
Harms unknown: health uncertainties cast doubt on the role of unconventional gas in Australia's energy future
Coram et al., March 2014
Response to Comment on “An Evaluation of Water Quality in Private Drinking Water Wells Near Natural Gas Extraction Sites in the Barnett Shale Formation”
Fontenot et al., March 2014
Comment on “An Evaluation of Water Quality in Private Drinking Water Wells Near Natural Gas Extraction Sites in the Barnett Shale Formation”
McHugh et al., March 2014
Occupational exposures in the oil and gas extraction industry: State of the science and research recommendations
Witter et al., March 2014
Understanding a Period of Policy Change: The Case of Hydraulic Fracturing Disclosure Policy in Colorado
Heikkila et al., March 2014
Observations of static Coulomb stress triggering of the November 2011 M5.7 Oklahoma earthquake sequence
Sumy et al., March 2014
Estrogen and Androgen Receptor Activities of Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals and Surface and Ground Water in a Drilling-Dense Region
Kassotis et al., March 2014
Marcellus Shale Development and the Susquehanna River An Exploratory Analysis of Cross-Sector Attitudes on Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing
Mark A. Heuer and Zui Chih Lee, March 2014
There’s no real choice but to sign: neoliberalization and normalization of hydraulic fracturing on Pennsylvania farmland
Stephanie Malin, March 2014
The health implications of fracking
Kovats et al., March 2014
He who has the pipeline calls the tune? Russia's energy power against the background of the shale “revolutions”
Elena Kropatcheva, March 2014
Shale Gas Development: A Smart Regulation Framework for Governing Forward
Katherine E. Konschnik and Mark K. Boling, February 2014
Shale Gas, Wind and Water: Assessing the Potential Cumulative Impacts of Energy Development on Ecosystem Services within the Marcellus Play
Jeffrey S. Evans and Joseph M. Kiesecker, February 2014

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