Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research (ROGER)

The Repository for Oil and Gas Energy Research, or ROGER, is a near-exhaustive collection of bibliographic information, abstracts, and links to many of journal articles that pertain to shale and tight gas development. The goal of this project is to create a single repository for unconventional oil and gas-related research as a resource for academic, scientific, and citizen researchers.

ROGER currently includes 2303 studies.
Last updated: September 01, 2024


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Green, yellow, red, or out of the blue? An assessment of Traffic Light Schemes to mitigate the impact of hydraulic fracturing-induced seismicity
James P. Verdon and Julian J. Bommer, October 2020
Activity and Water Footprint of Unconventional Energy Production under Hydroclimate Variation in Colorado
Du et al., October 2020
Biological effects of inhaled hydraulic fracturing sand dust. II. Particle characterization and pulmonary effects 30 d following intratracheal instillation
Fedan et al., October 2020
Biological effects of inhaled hydraulic fracturing sand dust. IV. Pulmonary effects
Russ et al., October 2020
New Mexico Permian Basin Measured Well Pad Methane Emissions Are a Factor of 5–9 Times Higher Than U.S. EPA Estimates
Robertson et al., October 2020
Geochemical and Geophysical Indicators of Oil and Gas Wastewater can Trace Potential Exposure Pathways Following Releases to Surface Waters
Cozzarelli et al., October 2020
Changes to hepatic nutrient dynamics and energetics in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following exposure to and recovery from hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced water
Weinrauch et al., October 2020
Exposure to Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Water Impairs Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) Cardiomyocyte Contractile Function and Swimming Performance
Folkerts et al., October 2020
Utica Shale Play Oil and Gas Brines: Geochemistry and Factors Influencing Wastewater Management
Blondes et al., October 2020
Unconventional oil and gas development and ambient particle radioactivity
Li et al., October 2020
Prospective policy safeguards to mitigate hydrogeological risk pathways in advance of shale gas development in the Karoo basin, South Africa
Pietersen et al., October 2020
Impact of U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Emission Increases on Surface Ozone Is Most Pronounced in the Central United States
Pozzer et al., October 2020
‘Frack off’: Towards an anarchist political ecology critique of corporate and state responses to anti-fracking resistance in the UK
Andrea Brock, October 2020
Biological effects of inhaled hydraulic fracturing sand dust. VIII. Immunotoxicity
Anderson et al., September 2020
Visual discourse coalitions: visualization and discourse formation in controversies over shale gas development
Gommeh et al., September 2020
The Double Trigger for Mortgage Default: Evidence from the Fracking Boom
Cunningham et al., September 2020
Forensic tracers of exposure to produced water in freshwater mussels: a preliminary assessment of Ba, Sr, and cyclic hydrocarbons
Piotrowski et al., September 2020
Energy Security, International Investment, and Democracy: The Case of the United States Shale Oil and Gas Industry
Stinchfield et al., September 2020
Mitigating the Environmental Effects of Oil and Gas Exploitation: Issues of Compliance, Cost of Production, and Community Awareness
Jones Lewis Arthur, September 2020
Variability observed over time in methane emissions from abandoned oil and gas wells
Riddick et al., September 2020
Oil sands, pipelines and fracking: Citizen acceptance of unconventional fossil fuel development and infrastructure in Canada
Todd Brunner and Jonn Axsen, September 2020
Development of Shale Gas in China and Treatment Options for Wastewater Produced from the Exploitation: Sustainability Lessons from the United States
Lan et al., September 2020
Exposure assessment of adults living near unconventional oil and natural gas development and reported health symptoms in southwest Pennsylvania, USA
Blinn et al., August 2020
Impacts of Marcellus Shale gas extraction: Examining recollected pre-development and post-development perceptions
Gene L. Theodori and Christopher W. Podeschi, August 2020
Hazardous substances as the dominant non-methane volatile organic compounds with potential emissions from liquid storage tanks during well fracturing: A modeling approach
Huan Chen and Kimberly E. Carter, August 2020
Measurements show that marginal wells are a disproportionate source of methane relative to production
Deighton et al., August 2020
A new perspective on the hydraulics of oilfield wastewater disposal: how PTX conditions affect fluid pressure transients that cause earthquakes
Pollyea et al., August 2020
Uneven impacts and uncoordinated studies: A systematic review of research on unconventional oil and gas development in the United States
Walsh et al., August 2020
Oil and gas production and spontaneous preterm birth in the San Joaquin Valley, CA: A case–control study
Gonzalez et al., August 2020
Evaluating the spatiotemporal variability of water recovery ratios of shale gas wells and their effects on shale gas development
Cao et al., July 2020
Estimating Truck Traffic Generated from Well Developments on Low-Volume Roads
Ioannis Tsapakis, July 2020
On-site Treatment of Shale Gas Flowback and Produced Water in Sichuan Basin by Fertilizer Drawn Forward Osmosis for Irrigation
Chang et al., July 2020
Toxicity tests in wastewater and drinking water treatment processes: A complementary assessment tool to be on your radar
Barceló et al., July 2020
Recycling flowback water for hydraulic fracturing in Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for gas production, water footprint, and water quality of regenerated flowback water
Liu et al., July 2020
Density and proximity to hydraulic fracturing wells and birth outcomes in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada
Caron-Beaudoin et al., July 2020
Shale gas development and crime: A review of the literature
Paul Stretesky and Philipp Grimmer, July 2020
A Public Health Frame for Fracking? Predicting Public Support for Hydraulic Fracturing
Brian F. O’Neill and Matthew Jerome Schneider, July 2020
An assessment of social and environmental impacts of a new shale gas industry in the Vale of Pickering, North Yorkshire
Manon K. Burbidge and C. A. Adams, July 2020
Fracking and risky sexual activity
Cunningham et al., July 2020
Shale gas produced water management using membrane distillation: An optimization-based approach
Tavakkoli et al., July 2020
Fracking controversies: Enhancing public trust in local government through energy justice
Marlin-Tackie et al., July 2020
Assessing Contamination of Stream Networks near Shale Gas Development Using a New Geospatial Tool
Agarwal et al., June 2020
Reusing oil and gas produced water for agricultural irrigation: Effects on soil health and the soil microbiome
Miller et al., June 2020
Methane concentrations in streams reveal gas leak discharges in regions of oil, gas, and coal development
Woda et al., June 2020
Particulate Matter Emissions Associated with Marcellus Shale Drilling Waste Disposal and Transport
Mol et al., June 2020
What Shapes Public Engagement in Fracking Issues?
Truong et al., June 2020
The impact of shale gas development on the U.S economy: Evidence from a quantile: Autoregressive distributed lag model
Sakiru Adebola Solarin and Mufutau Opeyemi Bello, June 2020
Hybrid Regeneration Network for Flowback Water Management
Oke et al., June 2020
Potential for Reclamation of Abandoned Gas Wells to Restore Ecosystem Services in the Fayetteville Shale of Arkansas
Nallur et al., June 2020
Partisanship and proximity predict opposition to fracking in Colorado
Raimi et al., June 2020

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